Thomas Ellwood Rose – Brigadier General, United States Army

He entered the United States Army at the outbreak of the Civil War, serving as Captain, 77th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry from October 28, 1861 to February 1, 1863. He then commanded the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, IV Corps of the Army of the Cumberland; 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, XX Corps, Army of the Cumberland.

He was captured by Rebel forces at the Battle of Chickamauga and escaped at Weldon, North Carolina, but was re-captured the next day. Was a member of the escaping party at Libby Prison through the 20th Street Tunnel and was one of the 50 re-captured before they could reach Union lines.

He was Breveted Brigadier General, United States Volunteers in 1865 in recognition of his Civil War Service.

Following the war, he remained in the Army until he retired in 1894 with the Regular Army rank of Major. He died in 1907 and was buried in Section 3, Grave 1818, of Arlington National Cemetery. His wife, Lydia C. Trumbower Rose (1831-1922) is buried with him.

Thomas Ellwood Rose served as Private, Company I, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry, April 23-Augyst 5, 1861; as Captaint, 77th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, October 28-1861-February 1, 1863. He was breveted Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, July 22, 1865. He was breveted Liberty Gap, Tennessee, Chickamauga (war service).  He commanded the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, IV Corps (Cumberland); 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, XX Corps (Cumberland). He was captured at Chickamauga and escaped at Weldon, North Carolina, but was recaptured the next day. He was a member of the escaping party from Libby Prison through the 20th St Tunnel and was one of the 50 recaptured before they could reach Union lines.

He remained in the regular Army following the Civil War and served until he retired in 1894 as a Major.

“Captain and Colonel, 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Shiloh, Corinth, Claysville, Verune, Stone River,
Liberty Gap, Chicamauga and executed the Libby Prison Tunnel.
Alanta Campaign, Kennesaw Mountain, Savannah, Chattanooga.”
Section 3, Arlingon National Cemetery

Lydia C. Trumbowge Rose, wife of Thomas Ellwood Rose. 1831-1922.




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