Susan E. Fallon Makohin – Military Spouse

The wife of Jacob Makohin (Prince Leon Bogun Mazappa Razumowski), she was born in New York City in 1891. She and her husband lived in Massachusetts for many years.

The following information appeared in the Sharon (MA) Advocate on March 18, 1976:

“Mrs. Susan (Fallon) Makohin, 84, of 337 South Main Street, died Friday, March 12, 1976 at Norwood Hospital after a brief illness.

Mrs. Makohin, also titled Princess Razumowski, was the wife of the late Prince Leon Bogun Razumowski, a Russian nobleman. Her husband changed his name after emmigrating the the United States from Europe following an assassination attempt on his life in Russia in 1907. The name he chose, Jacob Makohin, was that of his friend who was killed trying to save his life.

Born in New York City, Mrs. Makohin lived in Newton for 30 years before moving to Sharon 8 years ago. She was a member of the Women’s Club of Boston. A funeral mass was celebrated on Monday at Our Lady of Sorrows. She was received by the United States Marine Corps Honor Guard on Monday and buried on Tuesday at 1 PM in the Arlington National Cemetery in Washington where the Prince, a World War I veteran, is buried.”

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