Stolen Valor


B. G. Burkett, a military researcher, was co-chairman of the Texas Vietnam Memorial with  President George Bush as Honorary Chairman. Mr. Burkett has been the object of an  award-winning segment on ABC’s “20/20,” as well as much acclaimed articles in Texas Monthly and Reader’s Digest. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and the University of Tennessee. Burkett also served in Vietnam with the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Vietnamese Honor Medal, and  Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm.

Glenna Whitley, an award-winning investigative reporter, specializes in writing about crime and
the legal system. A graduate of Texas A&M University, her work has appeared in the Dallas   Morning News, D Magazine, Texas Monthly, and Redbook.

“Stolen Valor is a tough, courageous book, overwhelmingly documenting the
fraud that has been so destructive to the true legacy of those who fought in
Vietnam. Its central thesis should make American mainstream media cringe
in shame from their decades of negligence and collusion in this defamation
of those who served with honor.”

 — James Webb, author of Fields of Fire, and former Secretary of the Navy.

For further information, click here to visit the Stolen Valor Website.

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