Stanley P. Converse – Colonel, United States Army

Information about my father could be lengthy, but I will keep it brief.

Our family came to America in 1630, and have fought in every war that occurred here and abroad.

My grandfather graduated from VMI in 1910, enlisted in the United States Army, then joined the Canandians in World War I. His father graduated from West Point in 1883, and lost his eye in a battle with the Indians in Arizona, went on to be the Commandant of Cadets at Ohio State, and co-author of the bill that created the ROTC.  His Father was a U.S. Congressman, who served this nation for many years and also as a representative to the House in Ohio,  Before that, the family served in the Mexican war, the Civil War, the Revolutionary war, the war of 1812. I served in the Army and my brother served in the army, we are red white and blue.

My Father served in World War II, Korea, and was a batallion commander in Vietnam, I honor his service, as all who are buried there, as my Father was ceremonial officer of the “Old Guard”, he saw many funerals. He lays with his “own” walking around him every day, the “Old Guard” carries on!

You Sir, touch my heart, as it is June 6th. Many years ago my father struggled across Omaha Beach and I can only imagine that horror, that fear, that desire to help America, to preserve the girl next door, the football team at high school, and his dog “Sargeant.” High school was now just a memory, and it must have been a living hell. As a veteran myself I can undersatnd fear, but nothing like Normandy, nothing. That was tough. I can only hope we can look back and actually feel that fear, and respect those men … and I mean MEN!

Beautiful website. Buried here are my Great Grandfather Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, United States Navy, Mexican War, Civil War, Father Colonel Stanley P. Converse USA WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Father in Law Colonel Charles H. Lamback, United States Air Force, World War II. Along with their wives. Also Admiral Jenkins son and daughter, and my younger brother Alexander.
Larry Converse.

“The inadequate rehearsal (for the funeral of John F. Kennedy) was somewhat offset by using every available officer, warrant officer and noncommissioned officer remaining in the 3rd Infantry to ensure units turned into their proper position, to escort the special forces contingent to their proper position, etc. Had these few remaining persons not been available, I shudder to think what could have happened, particularly with those troops not trained in ceremonies,” said Major Stanley P. Converse, site control officer for the funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, in his after-action review.

The US Marine Band began to play the hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” and at the same time the body bearers folded the flag and handed it to Mr. Metzler. Then, as the hymn was concluded, Cardinal Cushing stepped forward and blessed the eternal flame. Mr. Metzler presented the folded flag to Mrs. Kennedy. Maj. Stanley P. Converse, executive officer of the 1st Battalion, 3d Infantry, then lighted a taper and handed it to Mrs. Kennedy, who lighted the torch that would become the eternal flame, thus ending the ceremonies for her husband. Army Special Forces troops, although they were not scheduled to do so, posted themselves at the four corners of the grave.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 02/13/1956
  • DATE OF DEATH: 02/14/1956

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