Quentin Lusby, Jr. – First Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Biography and Photo Courtesy of Linda M. Lusby Pinegar, July 2008:

Quentin Lusby, Jr. was born 11 February 1938, in Dallas, Texas. He attended Dallas and Carrollton, Texas, public schools where he excelled in basketball, football and baseball and was known by his nickname “Butch.”  He was also a leader in his high school serving as Student Council and Class Presidents his senior year. He then attended North Texas State in Denton, Texas, where he entered the AFROTC and served as the corps commander his senior year. He was also honored for his outstanding military bearing, received a BA degree in Personnel Management and a reserve commission as a Second Lieuenant on his graduation in June, 1963.

Because of his love of flying, he had been working on his private pilot’s license during his college years, and after he reached that goal, he thrilled his family and friends with sightseeing flights over the local Dallas area. Next, he was accepted into undergraduate pilot training class 64C at Laredo Air Force Base, Texas.  He placed high in his training classes of both the T-37 and T-33 programs and at graduation in October, 1963, shortly after the birth of his son, Michael G. Lusby, he received an assignment to train in the latest fighter aircraft, the McDonald Douglas F4C.

He was attached to the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, (558th Squadron) where he trained as the back seat radar and weapons officer.  In February, the wing left MacDill for a short 90-day temporary duty at Naha Air Force Base, Okinawa, and during that time, “Quent” (as he was known to his military buddies,) and the front seat pilot both lost their lives during a nighttime training mission three miles off the coast of Naha Air Force Base, Okinawa, on 24 May 1965.

His classmates at Carrollton High School remembered him for many years after his death with a trophy that they gave to the outstanding high school senior who excelled in sports and leadership. He is also remembered along with Captain Larry Morrow, his front seat pilot at the newly dedicated 12th TFW Wing Memorial wall in Canon City, Colorado.

His widow, son, daughter-in-law and six grandchildren are happy to share his story with others as are those who knew him and/or served with him and remember his dedication to his country, his God, excellence and the thrill of flying.

NOTE:  The bodies of both Captain Morrow and Lifutenant Lusby were not recovered.  A Memorial Stone was placed in memory of Lieutenant Lusby in 1984 at Arlington National Cemetery.  It is located in Memorial Section J, Site 40.


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