Memorial Day – 1994

I look forward to this yearly trip……
with dread and pride.
The now familiar long, long walk I take with slow strides.
More crowded than ever….
cars have to turn around…no more room.
The crush of the crowds seek out the Kennedys.
Jackie lies here now…just one week.

The world mourns…..they flock to see
that spot “so peaceful that I could stay here forever”.

I don’t choose that crowded pathway.
I have my own private walk….
to MY spot that is so peaceful
that I could stay here forever!

All I hear are the birds and the soft breeze
that rustles through the leaves
as I walk my long walk alone.
Across from me another mother makes her own private walk
to HER special spot.
I hear her softly crying thru my own tears.
What a sad, sad place this is to be so beautiful and peaceful.
We are aware of each other…………..
I can feel her pain as I’m sure she feels mine.

Across the rolling green hills I hear the faint sounds
of the lonely bugler and TAPS.
I stop walking and a tear runs down my cheek.
I trudge on and then I’m there.
I fall to my knees and cry…………….
soft tears this time……………………..
I don’t feel racked by pain.
FINALLY I feel at peace in these surroundings.
Seeing his name………………
being proud he is mine.
Sad that all I have left of him ……………..
a three day visit once a year.
His love embedded in my heart
His memory with me always I leave………………………….
renewed in spirit for another year.

Written in loving memory of Sergeant Franklin Dennis Winters by his mother.

May we never forget the sacrifices made by our military forces, whether in be in war or in peace.

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