Morgan B. McDermott – First Lieutenant, United States Army

Morgan B. McDermott was born on 9 August 1893.  During World War I, he served as First Lieutenant of United States Engineers in the 5th Infantry Division, 7th Regiment, American Expeditonary Forces.  Lieutenant McDermott died in France on 29 October 1918 of wounds received in action.

Lieutenant McDermott was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (America’s second highest award for bravery in battle) for his services.

We are actively seeking additional information concerning Lieutenant McDermott.


First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
7th Engineers, 5th Division, A.E.F.
General Orders No. 37, W.D., 1919
Home Town: Tucson, AZ
Date of Action: October 20, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Morgan B. McDermott, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action near Cunel, France, October 20, 1918.

Accompanied by a soldier, First Lieutenant McDermott made a reconnaissance within the German lines and captured a machine-gun. Under heavy machine-gun fire he gave first-aid treatment to a wounded soldier and continued on his mission until he was himself severely wounded.


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