Lewis H. Proudfoot III – Private First Class, United States Marine Corps

Date of Birth: 5/12/1949
Date of Casualty: 9/6/1967
Branch of Service: MARINE CORPS
Rank: PFC
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: QUANG TIN

A Marine from Elverson, Berks county, arrived in the war-torn country only three weeks ago, according to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Proudfoot Jr. Their son, Marine Pfc. Lewis Proudfoot 3d, was 18.

Proudfoot, the Defense Department reported, was killed by an enemy mine while fighting near Quang Tin. The youth had left Twin Valley High School last December and joined the Marines in February.

His sister, Joy, enlisted in the WACS about a month ago. Another sister, Ilka, and a brother, Estes, also survive.

Proudfoot will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, his family said. (Section 12, Grave 2073)


Chester County Marine Killed By Shrapnel

Marine Private First Class Lewis H. Proudfoot, 3d, 18, of R.D.2, Elverson, Chester County, was killed September 6 in action in Vietnam.

Proudfoot, a member of the 1st Marines, was killed by shrapnel near Quang Tin, the Defense Department told his family. He had been in Vietnam only about a month.

He enlisted in the Marines last February after attending Twin Valley High School. He is survived by his father, Lewis H. Jr., his mother, June; two sisters, Joy, 19, who is in the Woman’s Army Corps, and Ilka, 12, and a brother, Estes, seven.
“He thought he was doing his duty,” his mother commented.

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