Katrina Garland

On 12 September 2002, five sets of unidentified remains, along with partial remains of others which were discovered after the person had already been buried separately, were laid to rest in Section 64 of Arlington National Cemetery.

We are most grateful that Ms. Katrina Garland, noted professional photographer, has shared the following photos of those services with us.  Katrina has a number of years of experience in photographing and video taping funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery.  Please click on her name either here or at the end of this page to be transported to her website.

Families And Friends Arriving At Burial Service in Section 64, Arlington National Cemetery
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard B. Myers, and the Army Chief of Staff,
General Eric K. Shinseki, arrive at the burial service in Section 64 of Arlington National Cemetery.
Memorial To Those Killed In The Terrorist Attack On The Pengaton, 11 September 2001
Joint Honor Guard Carries The Casket Containing The Remains Of The Unidentified
Taps Is Played By A Member of The Army Band During The Burial Serices In Section 64.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard B. Myers, Joins With Family And Friends In Saluting Those Killed In The Terrorist Attack On The Pengaton.
The Vault Cover That Will Secure The Casket In The Gravesite.
The Casket Containing The Remains Of The Five Inidentified Persons Killed In The Terrorist Attack On The Pengtagon.
Family Members And Friends Bid Farewell Those Those Lost In The Terrorist Attack On The Pentagon.

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