John R. Lanigan – Brigadier General, United States Marine Corps


Born: at Washington, D.C.
Home Town: Washington, D.C


The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to John R. Lanigan (0-4128), Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the Twenty-Fifth Marines, FOURTH Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, from 19 February to 16 March 1945.

Landing on D-Day under heavy artillery, mortar, machine-gun and rifle fire, Colonel Lanigan quickly reorganized his assault units and directed a determined attack which resulted in the capture of the highly fortified cliff on the right flank of the beach.

Later, with all the original Battalion Commanders either killed or evacuated because of wounds, Colonel Lanigan accompanied the right assault battalion in further advances up the east coast, personally going from company to company and taking his place in the front lines to encourage the men of his unit. By his courage, fighting spirit and inspiring leadership, he contributed materially to the capture of strong enemy defenses and to the security of the Island, thereby upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

SPOT AWARD, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific: Serial 47152

16 April 1902-May 1974 @ Washington, D.C.

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