John Hancock – Colonel, United States Army

John Hancock of Pennsylvania
Appointed from Pennsylvania, Second Lieutenant, 49th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 29 November 1861
Captain, Assistant Adjutant General of United States Volunteers, 3 February 1862
Major, Assistant Adjutant General of United States Volunteers, 31 March 1863
Breveted Lieutenant, United States Volunteers, 2 December 1864 for distinguished service during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia
Breveted Colonel, United States Volunteers, 13 March 1865, for distinguished service in the campaign against Richmond, Virginia
Honorably mustered out of the volunteer service, 1 September 1866

Colonel Hancock was the brother of Major General Winfield Scott Hancock of Civil War fame.

At the time of the 1880 United States Census, Hancock was residing in Washington, D.C.  He was listed as age 49 and born in Pennsylvania in 1831. Residing with him were: His wife, Augusta, age 47 and born in Maryland; his daughter, Amanda Hancock, age 25 and born in Pennsylvania; his son, Frank Hancock (Benjamin Franklin), age 24 and born in Pennsylvania (his occupation was Lieutenant, United States Army, and he died 20 October 1882; his son Winfield, age 17 and born in Pennsylvania; his daughter, Irene Hancock, age 13 and born in Pennsylvania; his daughter, Bessie (Elizabeth Sterling), age 12 and born in Pennsylvania; his daughter, Abigail Adams; age 7, born in Minnesota; his sister in law, Camilla Cook, age 33 and born in Marland; his niece, Mary Cook, age 24 and born in Pennsylvania; uknown relationship, Lee Banks, male, age 22 and listed as a servant; unknown relationship, Clarance Derringer, age 29 and born in Pennsylvania (ooccupation of lawyer).  Hancock’s occupation was listed as Railroad Ticket Agent.

John and Augusta had other children–some of the names used in 1880 were middle names or nicknames. Frank was Benjamin Franklin Hancock; Bessie was Elizabeth Sterling Hancock; Abigail Adams Hancock was born in Minnesota.


WASHINGTON, March 4, 1903 – Miss Mary Eula Hare, daughter of Colonel Luther R. Hare, United States Army,of Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Major Charles F. Mason, United States Army of the same post, were married this evening at the residenceof the bride’s grandparents, Colonel and Mrs. John Hancock. No cards of invitation were issued for theceremony, which was attended by only a small family party.

WASHINGTON, October 27, 1912 – Colonel John Hancock, a brother of the late Major Genreal Winfield Hancock and a veteran of the Civil War, died today at his home here early today of double pneumonia.  He was 83 years of age.

John Hancock
Major, Assistant Adjutant General/Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Volunteers
Date of Death: 27 October 1912
Buried: Section 1, Site: 921

Augusta Hancock
Date of Death: 28 March 1911
Buried: Section 1, Site 921
Wife of JNO Hancock, Colonel, United States Volunteers

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