James E. Haney Master Sergreant, United States Air Force

Daily Corinthian Newspaper, Corinth, Mississippi: August 14. 1972

Full military honors were accorded two Memphis Air National Guardsmen at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C.

A group interment for Master Sergeant Billy Peel and Master Sergeant James E. Haney was conducted July 28, 1972, at 11 a.m. at  the Chapel in Arlington.

Haney and Peel were among 11 men killed in the crash of a Memphis based C-124 transport May 3 in the jungles of Surinam.

Haney is formerly of Corinth. The Guardsmen’s mother, Mrs. Lowren Haney, Corinth, his wife, Huleen and two sons, Mike and Randy of Memphis attended the services at Arlington.

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