Jack Dennison Rothwell – Major, United States Marine Corps

Mr. Patterson:

I have been searching the internet to try to find a site that would identify my fathers gravesite or mention that he is buried there. Surprisingly, I can’t seem to find any such website.

My father was a Marine fighter pilot who died in a crash just prior to the Vietnam War during a training exercise at Cubi Point in the Philippine Islands.

He was posthumously promoted to Major and is located in section 35, grave 3519.  I was hoping to get him mentioned somewhere and wasn’t sure if you could help or not.

Attached is a photo one of my brothers took on a visit there with his son Nathan.  Would it be possible for you to include him on your website for fallen Marines? Thank you sir, Jim Rothwell

6 Januuary 1932-28 March 1966

You paid the ultimate price when I was only three. Now it’s almost 40 years later. Not having you in my life all these years is a void that will never be filled. But what I am filled with, is pride that you were a man who gave it all. You served unselfishly. You flew with Eagles, and now you soar with angels!

As I see the markers of all who also gave all around you, I see you’re in excellent company! Other dads are dying every day now in war. It’s really sad, and like many other son’s and daughter’s, I am with them when I say, I miss you Dad. I am proud to be your son. We will meet again!

Oh!, guess what? Your first grandchild wears your name proudly! Jack Dennison Rothwell II. He knows he has a lot to live up to. You would be so proud of him. He is 13 now and is a wonderful son! I am proud of him.

Love your son, Michael.

Thomas Rothwell: September 2004

Thank you for maintaining this registration.  It’s a poignant reminder of, and testimony to, the commitment that our armed forces carry into duty. And the price that is paid when duty brings them into harm’s way.

My mother and my brothers are grateful to all who work to preserve our freedoms and cherish the reminders we have of our fallen loved one, Jack Dennison Rothwell.  We are reminded that it is through one man’s sacrifice that all have a chance to live forever:

Romans 5: 1-5  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope:  and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 01/06/1932
  • DATE OF DEATH: 03/28/1966
  • DATE OF INTERMENT: 04/18/1966


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