Images of Arlingon National Cemetry 17

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Funeral service for Lieutenant Colonel Anthony C. Shine, United States Air Force. Colonel Shine was lost over Vietnam in 1972 and his remains were located in 1995 and identified in 1996. Photos courtesy of the United States Air Force
Changing of the Guard in 1989 Photo by Michael Robert Patterson
The Caisson Stable, Fort Myer Virginia
A Boy Scout Gathering At The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 1937 Courtesy of the Library of Congress


Veterans Day, 1998, Arlington National Cemetery

award01 award02 award03 arborist cairn2The Lockerbie Memorial Cairn, Section 1, Arlington National Cemetery.
Constructed in memory of those who lost their lives on Pan Am Flight
103 in December 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

 Click Here For More Photos Of Arlington National Cemetery

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