Henry Meigs Meade – Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Courtesy of Michael T. Stein:

Henry Meigs Meade
This was a tricky question – but a little information emerged:
Born in New York
Acting Assistant Paymaster 1862
Passed Assistant Paymaster 1866 (with Relative Rank of Lieutenant)
Paymaster 1868 (with Relative Rank of Lieutenant Commander)
Served on board USS New York 1862-64
Served on board USS Mattabessett, North Atlantic Blockading Squadron 1864-65
On Special duty with the Navy Department 1865-66
Served on board USS Juniata, South Atlantic Squadron 1867
Served on board USS Kearsarge, South Pacific Squadron 1868-69
Resigned February 23rd, 1872

The son of Richard Worsam and Clara Forsyth Meigs, United States Navy, and the brother of Richard Worsam Meade, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, he is buried beneath the stone below in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery.

January 4, 1840-April 12, 1897

Research continues regarding his life.


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