Earl Warren – First Lieutenant, United States Army Governor of California Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court

A long-time public servant, he is buried in Section 21 of Arlington National Cemetery.

His wife, Nina Warren, is buried with him.


Earl Warren was an immensely popular Republican governor when President Dwight Eisenhower appointed him to the Supreme Court. Ike later regretted his choice; he had hoped toappoint a moderate conservative; Warren proved to be an unabashed liberal.

Warren joined the Court in the midst of one of its most important issues: racial segregation in public schools. The new Chief proved an effective leader (unlike his predecessor) by bringing the Brethren from division to unanimity on the issue of racial equality.

At the end of his service, Warren concluded that his greatest contribution to government was his opinion in the reapportionment cases. However, his contribution to racial equality still stands as a testament to his role as a leader extraordinaire.

In November 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson called on a reluctant Warren to serve as a member of the special committee to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. When first approached by the Attorney General Robert Kennedy (brother to the slain president), Warren declined. He was concerned that such service would tarnish  the Court’s legitimacy. But in this secretly recorded telephone call, Johnson explained to Senator Richard Russell how he persuaded Warren to serve.

In a public address following his retirement for the Court, Warren articulated his strong commitment to the principle of equality and admonished Americans that they face continued strife and upheaval by failing to heed the rightful demands for equality.

Retired in Washington, D.C.; wrote memoirs. Died  in Washington, D.C. Interment: Arlington National Cemetery.





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