Evans Read Crowell, Jr. – First Lieutenant, United States Army Air Corps

Courtesy of his classmates
United States Military Academy, Class of 1946

Courtesy of his classmates
United States Military Academy, Class of 1946

Evans Read Crowell, Jr., No. 15304,
Class Of 1946
Died August 17, 1946, near Casa Grande, Arizona, Aged 21 Years.
Internment in the Arlington National Cemetery on August 24, 1946


The Army Air Forces lost one of its most promising young officers when Lieutenant Crowell unsuccessfully parachuted from his P-47, which had been crippled in a midair collision near Casa Grande, Arizona on August 17, 1946. Here was a man who in his brief span of twenty-one years excelled at everything he did, be it as a musician, student, pilot, or friend.

Evans was born July 24, 1925 at Hampton, Virginia, the son of Colonel and Mrs. Evans R. Crowell. As is usual with Army children, he received his primary education at a series of widely scattered schools in the United States, Panama, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands. In the course of this education, he formed an  unwavering loyalty to and love for the Army, and this naturally led him to seek an appointment to West Point. After preparatory school at Sullivan’s in Washington, D. C. he won his appointment by placing second in the Presidential competitive examination for appointments for 1943 entrance. He entered West Point on July 1, 1943 with the Class of 1946.

Almost immediately the scholarly attributes which carried Evans to his stars in each of three successive years became apparent. Not only did he distinguish himself, but he also did a fine job of coaching many classmates and underclassmen who were experiencing difficulties in their studies.

But mere books did not claim all of Evans’ attention. His skill at the piano frequently delighted his classmates. He was perhaps most happy on the rocky trails above West Point, where he loved to ski on winter afternoons and ride in the spring and the fall. The natural beauty of the Hudson Highlands invited many long walks during which he would expound his personal philosophy and trade freely his valued opinions and advice for the sometimes worthy observations of his friends.

In September of 1944, Evans decided to become an Air Cadet and the following spring he began his primary training at Garner Field near Uvalde, Texas. He took his basic flight training at Stewart Field near Newburgh, New York, during the summer of 1945, and completed his advanced training and won his wings at the same station during the spring of 1946. A few days later, on June 4, 1946, he graduated into the Army Air Forces.

Another big day for Evans was not then far off for, on June 8, 1946, Phyllis White of Washington became his bride. The wedding was followed by an idyllic honeymoon at Lake Winnipesaukee, Washington, D. C., and in California.

Evans reported to his new station, Williams Field, Arizona, on July 20, 1946 for
fighter transition training. Phyllis joined him there several weeks later, and they made their home in nearby Mesa, Arizona. It was while engaging in fighter transition training at Williams Field that Evans was involved in the accident which claimed his life.

Evans was laid to rest in the Arlington National Cemetery on August 24, 1946. He is survived by his wife and his family.

In the few years that were granted to him, Evans lived a complete, happy and
inspiring life. Mourned and loved by his friends, he has achieved immortality by his
lasting good influence on our lives and the memories we will forever carry of a fine

– A Classmate.

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