Winfield Scott Edgerly – Brigadier General, United States Army

Born in Farmington, New Hampshire, May 29, 1846. Entered military service at the United States Military Academy on July 1, 1866. He graduated June 15, 1870, ranking 50th in his class of 58 graduates, the 2361st graduate of the Academy. Was 6’4″ in height.

He was appointed Second Lieutenant, Company D, 7th Cavalry June 15, 1870, and joined regiment near Fort Riley, Kansas. During the reconstruction period he served at various posts in the southern states until 1873, when he proceeded to Fort Snelling for escort duty with International Boundary Survey Commission.

In 1876, the regiment assembled at Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory, and departed on the Sioux expedition. He fought in the Little Big Horn River fight and rendered conspicuously gallant service. Promoted First Lieutenant to rank from June 25, 1876, to occupy the vacancy created by promotion of Lieutenant James M. Bell.

He served on frontier duty until 1883, when he went to Cincinnati for duty with the General Recruiting Service. Promoted to Captain of Cavalry September 22, 1883. He joined his troop at Fort Leavenworth in 1884. On duty at Fort Keough in 1885-86, and then transferred to Fort Riley.

He participated in the fight on Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, on December 29, 1890, where he rendered conspicuously valuable service. He served in Texas from 1892 to 1895, and then for 1 year at the State College, Orino, Maine, as an instructor and the following 2 years as National Guard instructor at Concord, New Hampshire.

June 8, 1898, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, US Volunteers and Major, 6th Cavalry on July 9, 1898. Transferred to 7th Cavalry January 5, 1899, which he joined in Cuba. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, 10th Cavalry on February 19, 1901, and transferred back to 7th Cavalry March 20, 1901.

On February 7, 1902, promoted to Colonel, 2nd Cavalry and joined the regiment at Fort Myer, Virginia. The following year he took the regiment to the Philippine Islands. There he received promotion to Brigadier General on June 28, 1905.

In 1907 he was in Germany as an observer of army maneuvers. He retired December 29, 1909, after 43 years of service. Recalled for a short period in World War I and commanded the mobilization camp at Concord, New Hampshire. He died September 10, 1927, at Farmington.

Educated public schools, Farmington, Effingham Institute, Phillips Exter Academy. Graduated from the  United States Military Academy 1876. Married Grace Cora Blum, October 27, 1875. Appointed Second Lieutenant, 7th Cavalry, June 15, 1876, First Lieutenant, June 25, 1876, Captain, September 22, 1883, Major, 6th Cavalry, July 9, 1898. Transferred to 7th Cavalry, Mar 20, 1901. Colonel, 2nd Cavalry, February 17, 1903, Brigadier General, June 23, 1905. Retired on December 29, 1909. Served in the Indian Wars, SAW, Philippine Insurrection. Commanding, Department of the Gulf, 1907. Republican.

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