Cyrus Swan Roberts IV – First Lieutenant United States Air Force

Hi Michael:

You have a note on the biography for Cyrus Roberts as follows:

NOTE: Cyrus Swan Roberts IV, First Lieutenant, United States Air Force, a graduate of the United States Military Academy, was killed in the Vietnam War.  His burial site is being investigated.

Date of Birth: 3/17/1941
Date of Casualty: 3/6/1966
Home of Record: NEW YORK, NEW YORK
Branch of Service: AIR FORCE
Rank: 1LT
Casualty Country: LAOS

I have attached a photo of Cy’s marker ( 2-3749A) at Arlington.

I have the following from a previous publication.

Cyrus Swan Roberts ’62

Lieutenant Cyrus S. Roberts IV, USAF, was killed in a military aircraft accident in Southeast Asia on 6 March 1966.

Services and interment were held in Arlington National Cemetery.

Lieutenant Roberts, who was born in New York City, was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1962.  He is survived by his widow, Katherine H. Roberts, and daughter, Katherine D., of 315 East 80th Street, New York City: his mother, Mrs. Katherine K. Roberts of New York, and his father, Mr. Cyrus S. Roberts, III, of Long Beach, California.

Your note incorrectly shows him a graduate of West Point.  He was in fact a classmate of mine at Annapolis.  From the photo, it would appear that his burial site is pretty clear. It is alone on the side of a hill in section 2.

Thanks for all your efforts on the web site.

Stew Lingley, October 2007, USNA 62

NOTE:  See other relatives buried at Arlington National Cemetery:  Cyrus Swan Roberts, Brigadier General, United States Army and Charles Duval Roberts, Brigadier General, United States Army.


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