Challenger Memorial 2004

Shuttle Challenger Crew Remembered At Arlington National Cemetery
On The 18th Annivsary of the deaths.


NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe, right and U.S. Air Force Chaplain Captain John P. Kenyon
visit the Challenger Memorial, in Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday, January 28, 2004
O’Keefe visited the memorial on the 18th anniversary of the loss of the space shuttle Challenger and its crew.


NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe visits the Challenger Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Wednesday, January 28, 2004. O’Keefe visited the memorial on the 18th anniversary of the loss of the
Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew. NASA set aside Thursday, January 29, 2004 as a day to
remember the Columbia, Challenger and Apollo dead and the tragic consequences of getting it wrong.


NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe (R) and United States Air Force Chaplain, Captain, John P. Kenyon
visit the Challenger Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, January 28, 2004. O’Keefe visited the
memorial on the 18th anniversary of the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew.

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