Ada Davis – Army Spouse & Government Employee


Ada Davis
Attack Location: Pentagon
Age: 57
Home: Camp Springs, Maryland

Nolton Davis was playing with his granddaughter when a friend called to tell him that terrorists had crashed a plane into the Pentagon — where his wife, Ada, worked.

The friend had called Ada an hour earlier after the first hijacked airliner crashed into the World Trade Center.

“They had talked about what a tragedy it was,” Davis said. “My wife was watching it on the television in her office in the Pentagon while she talked to her friend.”

When the plane hit the Pentagon, the friend called Ada back. No answer.

It has been almost four weeks, and Ada Davis, 58, an Army accountant and doting grandmother from Camp Springs, is listed as unaccounted for. Her husband and four grown children are focusing on happy memories.

Ada Davis was supposed to retire last summer, her husband said. “They asked her to stay on until October to close out the fiscal year,” he said. “She didn’t really have any plans, so she did.”

Nolton Davis, 64, is keeping busy with his grandchildren, Bethany Cuyler, 2, and Brenden Cuyler, 8. The children don’t know their grandmother is missing. 

He recalls the fear that overwhelmed him after hearing of the attack and the dozens of supportive calls he received from friends and relatives.

He had been doubly frightened that day because the Davises’ oldest daughter, Zenovia Cuyler, also works at the Pentagon.

“She called me about two hours after the attack to say she was okay, but she couldn’t find Mom,” Davis said. “I was so happy she was out, but I was just sick that my wife was in there. I still can’t visualize it.”

 — Avis Thomas-Lester

Note: Mrs. Davis was buried in Section 64 of Arlington National Cemetery, near the Pentagon.




 On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, ADA MARIE DAVIS was taken in the attack on the Pentagon into Eternal Rest. Beloved daughter of the late Jobe and Ida Mae Davis of Warrenton, NC. She is survived by her husband, Nolton Davis, Jr.; three daughters, Zenovia Cuyler, Yolanda and Rosslyn and one son, Christopher Davis; three sisters, Christine Patterson, Sue Westmoreland and Georgia Davis; three brothers, William, Norris and Philip Davis; two grandchildren, Brenden and Bethany Cuyler; a step-grandson, John Cuyler, III; one son-in-law, John Cuyler, Jr., and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces and many friends. After 9:30 a.m. Saturday, October 13, family will receive friends at St. Philip the Apostle Church, 5414 Henderson Way, Camp Springs, MD, where Mass will be held at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Services by HUNT FUNERAL HOME.

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