A Tree Grows In Section 60 Arlington National Cemetery

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The tree continues to grow in Section 60 in December 2007!  Thanks, Holly!

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The Section 60 Tree Dressed Up For Memorial Day: May 2008

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Here is the skirt made in the shape of a pentagon, with all the roses that were in Section 60 from February to April 2006. When I installed it yesterday I moved the 4 stones that were on the mulch bed and put them up on top of the skirt…  Stone origin unknown, but they are thank yous to Michael Arciola, Todd Bracy Dale Burger and Jason Norton.

The Bixler’s sent me a sweet ‘Willow Tree’ creature which just begged to be taken to ANC to have its picture taken on the skirt.  Along with it I brought my mom’s stone photo (that lives with her flag here). It’s the closest my mom’s stone (at Quantico) will ever get to my dad’s plaque at the  ANC Columbarium. I really like the perspective with the trees inside and out of the frame. My mom’s stone is in proportion to those on the grounds.  I really like the winged faceless creature with the flowers behind her back.  I thought you’d like to see these.  They are just really neat.

Every OIF/OEF stone  on the York side has a painted ‘Hero” stone on top.  The only one that varies is Dillon Jutras’. His is larger and has his name on it.

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