William George Walker – Brigadier General, United States Army

William George Walker was born on 28 June 1890.  During his military career, he served on the Mexican Border with General John J. Pershing, in World War I and in World War II. General died on 31 December 1974 and was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

Courtesy of Michael T. Stein:

Brigadier General William George Walker

Born June 28, 1890 in New York City
Died December 31, 1974

  • Enlisted service in the Minnesota National Guard 1912-17
  • Commissioned Second Lieutenant (Army of the United States) 1917
  • Commissioned Second Lieutenant (United States Army) 1920
  • Brigadier General 1943
  • Served with 27th Infantry Regiment, Hawaii 1925-28
  • Professor (Military Science & Tactics), University of Minnesota 1928-31
  • Student, Command & General Staff School 1934-35
  • Student, Army War College 1937-38
  • Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence Plans & Training) I Corps Area 1938-41
  • Assistant to Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence), Army Ground Forces 1941-42
  • Assistant Chief of Staff (Supply), Army Ground Forces 1942-43
  • Member, Joint Munitions Allocation Committee 1943-44
  • Served with Headquarters, US Army Pacific 1945-46
  • Retired August 1946
  • Legion of Merit

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