The Third United States Infantry Regiment “The Old Guard”


Sergeant of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery, Courtesy of Barry Scott, United States Navy, November 2005


While visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier I watched along with many others as the tomb guard was changed.  It was an impressive ceremony very fluid, intricate
and precise. When I got home and reviewed my photos and was very impressed with the Sergeant of the Guard who made all of his moments look effortless.  I began
wondering how much precision there was in his moments. The 1st photo is of the sergeant saluting the grave of the unknowns, the middle photo is after doing an
about face while at attention the 3rd photo is photo 1 and 2 combined. The sergeant’s pivots perfectly with no sign of movement except for his direction.
The sergeant made doing this photo very easy.

Click Here For The Changing on the Guard On Memorial Day, 28 May 2001


The “Old Guard,” one of the oldest and most respected Infantry Regiments in the United States Army, has the awesome responsibility of both  guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery,  but also for escorting deceased Army servicemembers to their final rest in the “Gardens of Stone,” as Arlington is sometimes called.

The “Old Guard” also serves as the Army’s ceremonial unit
and, as an active and well-trained Infantry Regiment,
is responsible for the protection of Washington, D.C.

Click Here For Information About The Old Guard Association

Click Here To Visit The Society of the Honor Guard (Tomb of the Unknowns)

Click Here For The Old Guard’s Official Website

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Patch, Tomb Guard Badge, and Old Guard Crest Are All
Courtesy Of The Third United States Infantry, “The Old Guard.”

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