Gustavus Hall Scott – Rear Admiral, United States Navy

SCOTT, Gustavus Hall, naval officer, born in Fairfax County, Virginia, 13 June, 1812; died in Washington, D. C., 23 March, 1882.

He entered the Navy as Midshipman, 1 August, 1828, became Passed Midshipman, 14 June, 1884, and made two cruises in the West Indies in the ” Vandalia” in 1835-‘6 and 1839-’40, in which he participated in the Seminole war. He was also present off Charleston, South Carolina, during the nullification excitement.

He was commissioned Lieutenant, 25 February, 1841, and was Flag Lieutenant of the Pacific squadron in the frigate “St. Lawrence” in 1852-‘3. He was commissioned Commander, 27 December, 1856, and served as light-house inspector in 1858-’60.

When the civil war began he resisted the efforts of partisans in his native state to make him join the Confederates. In June, 1861, he commanded the steamer ” Keystone State,” went in pursuit of the Confederate privateer “Sumter,” and capturing the steamer “Salvor” off Tampico, towed her to Philadelphia. He commanded the steamer “Marantanza” in the operations with the army in James river, rendered valuable service in saving stores that were left by the army at Acquia creek, was on the blockade, and had numerous engagements with Confederate batteries in the sounds of North Carolina in 1862-‘3.

He was commissioned Captain, 4 November, 1863, and commanded the steamer “De Soto,” in which he captured several blockade runners in 1864. Subsequently he took charge of the steam sloop ” Canandaigua” on the blockade, and was senior officer at the surrender of Charleston, South Carolina, in 1865.

He was a member of the examining board for the admission of volunteer officers to the regular navy in 1868, served as light-house inspector in 1869-’71, and was promoted to commodore, 10 February, 1869, and to rear-admiral, 14 February, 1873. He was then commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic squadron until 13 June, 1874, when he was retired, having reached the age of sixty-two years.

Born in Virginia on June 13, 1812, he died in Washington, D.C. on March 23, 1882 and is buried near Hugh Lenox Scott and many other family members in Section 2 of Arlington National Cemetery.

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