George Horace Morgan – Colonel, United States Army


Courtesy Family Archives

Born in Canada in 1855, he earned the Medal of Honor while serving as Second Lieutenant, 3rd United States Cavalry, at Big Dry Fork, Arizona, on July 17, 1882 in hostile action against Indians.

He died on February 14, 1948 and was buried in Section 3 of Arlington National Cemetery.

George Horace Morgan of  Canada
Appointed from Minnesota, Cadet, United States Military Academy, June 1876 (32);
First Lieutenant, 3rd U.S.  Cavalry, 12 June 1880
First Lieutenant, 26 November 1884
Captain, 15 March 1896
Major, 28th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, July 1899
Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Service, 1 May 1900
Breveted First Lieutenant, 27 February 1890 for gallant service in action against Indians at Big Dry Wash, Arizona, 17 July 1882 where he was severely wounded.

Awarded the Medal of Honor, 15 July 1892 for distinguished conduct in action against hostile Apache lndians at Big Dry Wash, Arizona, 17 July 1882 by gallantly holding his ground at a critical moment, and firing upon the advancing enemy until himself disabled by a shot while serving as Second Lieutenant, 3rd U.S. Cavalry and serving as a volunteer with Lieutenant West’s command of Indian Scouts and Troop I, 6th United States Cavalry.

From Spanish-American War Report:

Captain George Morgan of the Third Cavalry, who was wounded on Friday (battle of Santiago, Cuba) was born in Canada and was appointed to the Military Academy from Minnesota, June 14, 1876. He was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieutenant of Cavalry on June 12, 1880, and attached to the Third Cavalry.  His first service was on frontier duty at Fort Washakie, Wyoming, and, after scouting from October 1880 to May 1886, he was engaged against the Ute Indians in the Spring of the latter year.  He spent the Summer of that year in the field, and at Whipple Barracks, Arizona, being engaged with the Apaches on July 17. He was later charged with conducting recruits to Texas and en route to and at Fort Verde, Arizona.  He was inspector of rifle practice of the Department of Arizona from March to September 1884. After further frontier duty at Fort Verde, he was commissioned as First Lieutenant in the Third Cavalry November 26, 1884.  His subsequent service was at various posts in Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona.  His commission as Captain of Company H in the Third Cavalry dates from March 15, 1896.

Captain Morgan was distinguished as a rifle shot.  He was brevetted First Lieutenant on February 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians at Big Dry Wash, Arizona, July 17, 1882. Captain Morgan has also received a Medal of Honor for service in this action, when he gallantly held his ground at a critical moment and fired upon the advancing enemy until himself disabled by a shot. At this time he was with Lieutenant West’s command of Indian scouts and Troop I, Sixth Cavalry.

September 28, 2000: DONJA SLATINA, Bosnia and Herzegovina — Camp Morgan opened up Monday in Donja Slatina, near Samac in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Because soldiers from Camp McGovern had to cover three times as much ground last winter, Lt. Col. James B. Hickey commander of 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, decided that another base camp was needed.

“We observed last winter [that] it’s hard for soldiers operating in the western part of the area of responsibility,” Hickey said.

The solution to the problem was Camp Morgan, which will help the incoming unit in patrolling the area of Samac, Gradacac, and Modrica municipalities. The camp is situated 90 minutes west of Camp McGovern.

Lt. Col. Steve Banach, who will take over Camp McGovern from Hickey on Monday, said “having this camp will help facilitating safety of soldiers, and reduce risk [while driving in bad weather and road conditions] to our soldiers, and will inherently enable us to provide a safe and secure environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“With the winter season approaching and its impact on degrading roads and  hampering driving conditions, the operations camp will save travel time from
other base camps, ensuring safety for SFOR soldiers and local civilians,” said Maj. Gen. Robert L. Halverson, commander of U.S. troops.

Camp Morgan was named for Colonel George Horace Morgan, who was awarded the Medal of Honor and two Silver Stars.

The camp will be a permanent U.S. facility and, for the next six months, home to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 217th Infantry Brigade, of the Oklahoma National Guard. Halverson said the number of SFOR troops in the country will not change.


Courtesy Family Archives

Mary Brownson. Born Rutland, Vt. on November 17, 1863. Descent: (Capt. Hugh, John, Daniel, William, William Jr., Lawrence Sprague, Sarah Jane). Data from Mason.

Picture from Morgan Benson. MARY “Mollie” BROWNSON. Affectionately known as Mollie, Mary Brownson studied art and painting under the famed sculptor, Gutzon Borglum. Mr. Borglum is noted most for his sculpting of the Mount Rushmore memorial. She married Col. George Horace Morgan, son of George Nelson Morgan & Delia Elizabeth Warner, on November 1, 1882 in Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, Neb. Born St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada on Jan 1, 1855. Residence: May 1934, Washington, D. C. Data from Mason.

Colonel Morgan graduated West Point Military Academy, 1880, retired January 1, 1919. He is a holder of the Congressional Medal of Honor and every honor possible to a distinguished cavalryman who participated in the Indian, Spanish and Philippine, and World Wars. She died in 16 September 1924 in Los Angeles, California, and is buried with her husband, Colonel George H. Morgan in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Colonel Morgan died 14 February 1948 in Washington, DC, where he made his home after her death.


Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, 3d U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Big Dry Fork, Arizona, 17 July 1882. Entered service at: Minneapolis, Minnesota. Birth: Canada. Date of issue: 15 July 1892.


Gallantly held his ground at a critical moment and fired upon the advancing enemy (hostile Indians) until he was disabled by a shot.


NOTE: His son-inlaw, Major General Jonathan Waverly Anderson, Sr., and his daughter, Dorothy Morgan Anderson, are also buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

DATE OF DEATH: 02/14/1948

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