Frederick Lewis Anderson, Jr. – Major General, United States Air Force

From a contemporary press report

Frederick L. Anderson was born at Kingston, New York, October 4, 1905. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1928, and married Elizabeth Ann Travis, August 30, 1928.

He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 1928 and advanced through the grades to Magor General in 1943. He was a graduate Kelly Field and Brooks Field, and received his aviator’s wings in 1929.

He served in the Philippines, Hamilton Field, Lowry Field, and Washington, D.C. He was transferred to bombardment aviation in 1931. He served as Operations Officer, 7th Group, and selected to start first Bombardier’s Instruction School, 1940, and was head of the bombardment tactics board.

He was sent to England in 1941 and served as Deputy Director Of  Bombardment, Washington, D.C. in 1942. He was the representative of General Henry H. Arnold on bombardment matters in both Northern Africa and England, 1942. He was Commanding General, VIII Bomber Command, England, 1943, and Deputy Commander of Operations, Headquarters, U.S. Strategic Headquarters in Europe, England, France, 1944-45.

He was Assistant to the Chief of Staff  For personnel, 1945-47 and retirned from active duty in 1947.

General Anderson served as United States Ambassador to NATO, 1952-53. Later he was Director, Lear Siegler, Inc., American Bakeries Co, Federal Petroleum Inc., Royal Industries, US Leasing Corp, a Trustee of the Rand Corp. Trustee of the Menlo School and College.

His medals and decorations included the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Medal with Oak Leaf CLuster, the Air Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Order of Surorov 3rd Degree (Russia), the Commander of the Bath (England), the Legion of Honor (France), the Croix de Guerre with palm (France), and was a member of the National Aeronautical Society.

General Anderson died in California on March 2, 1969 and was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

Courtesy of the United States Air Force:

Retired September 30, 1947, Died March 3, 1969

Frederick Lewis Anderson Jr., was born at Kingston, N.Y., in 1905. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy June 9, 1928, and was commissioned a second lieutenant of Cavalry.

That September General Anderson entered Primary Flying School at Brooks Field, Texas, graduated from Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas, a year later, and transferred to the Air Corps Nov. 1, 1929. Assigned to the 99th Observation
Squadron at Mitchell Field, N.Y., he later joined the Fourth Composite Group at Nichols Field in the Philippines, serving in various capacities until October 1934.

Assigned with the 91st Observation Squadron at Crissy Field, Calif., in April 1935, he transferred to Hamilton Field, Calif., and that November he joined the Ninth Bomb Squadron there. In September 1936 he transferred to the Seventh Bomb Group there as Flight Commander and Operations Officer.

Two years later General Anderson assumed command of the 21st Air Base Squadron at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo. Entering the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Field, Ala., in January 1940, he graduated the following April and remained at Lowry Field as commander of the Second School Squadron, becoming director of Bombardier Instruction at the Air Corps Tactical School there in July 1940.

The following May General Anderson was assigned as assistant to the chief of the Training Section, Training and Operations Division, Office of the Chief of Air Corps, Washington D. C., becoming deputy director of bombardment there in January 1942. A year later he was appointed commanding general of the Eighth Bomber Command in the European Theater of Operations.

His decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross. He is rated a senior pilot and combat observer.


He was promoted to first lieutenant (permanent) May 16, 1934; to captain (temporary) May 25, 1935; to captain (permanent) June 9, 1938; to major (temporary) Jan. 31, 1941; to lieutenant colonel (temporary) Jan. 5, 1942; to colonel (temporary) March 1, 1942; to brigadier general (temporary) Feb. 7, 1943; to major general (temporary) Nov. 4, 1943.


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