Frederick Hayes Michaelis – Admiral, United States Navy

Admiral Frederick Hayes Michaelis

Born in Kansas City, Missouri March 4th, 1917
Died August 13th, 1992

Cadet, U. S. Naval Academy 1936-40
Ensign 1940
Rear Admiral 1965
Vice Admiral 1969
Admiral 1975

Served with USS Pennsylvania 1940-41
Executive Officer, Fighter Squadron-12, 1944-45
‘Commanding Officer, Fighter Squadron-12, 1945
Commanding Officer, Bomber-Fighter Squadron-5, 1945-46
Served with Air Development Squadron-3, 1949-51
Commanding Officer, Naval Air Special Weapons Facility, Kirtland AFB 1951-54
Commanding Officer, Air Group-11, 1954-55
Special Weapons Officer, Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet 1955-56
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Air) 1956-57
Executive Officer, USS. Randolph 1957-59
Commanding Officer, USS. Tolouano 1959
Served with Navy Plans Section, Strategic Plans Division, Office of the CNO 1959-60
Commanding Officer, USS. Enterprise 1963-65
Director of Development Programs, Office of the CNO 1965-67
Commander, Carrier Division-9, 1967-68
Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Air) 1968-69
Deputy Director, Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff 1969-72
Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet 1972-75
Chief of Naval Materiel 1975-78
Retired 1978

Admiral Michaelis was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and graduated from the United States Naval Academy in the class of 1940.

He served throughout World War II, in the Korean Conflict and in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam War.

He was a Naval Aviator and a recipient of the Navy Cross.

He died in Washington, D.C. on August 13, 1992 and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery (Section 1, Grave 797).

From a contemporary press report

Rose Schiche Michaelis, 81, a Navy admiral’s wife who accompanied her   husband to duty stations around the United States when he was on active duty, died of heart ailments February 5, 1999 at the Manor Care facility in Arlington.

Mrs. Michaelis was born in Lake Geneva, Wis., and she attended Marquette University.

A resident of Alexandria, she settled in the Washington area in 1978.

Her husband, Admiral Frederick Hayes Michaelis, died in 1992.

Survivors include three children, Molly Fine of Buffalo, Frederick Hays Michaelis Jr. of Falls Church and Polly Capansky of Woodstock, Va.; and four grandchildren.


On February 5, 1999, at Manor Care, ROSE S. MICHAELIS, of Alexandria, VA, beloved wife of the late Admiral Frederick H. Michaelis; mother of Molly M. Fine, F. H. Michaelis, Jr. and Polly M. Capansky. Also survived by five grandchildren.  A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at Ft. Myer Chapel on Friday, February 12, at 8:45 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. John Bosco Parish, Main St., Woodstock, VA 22664.



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