Avery Delano Andrews – Brigadier General, United States Army

Avery Delano Andrews of New York
Appointed from New York, Cadet, United States Military Academy, 1 July 1882 ( 14) Commissioned Second Lieutenant, 5th United States Artillery,  1 July 1886;
First Lieutenant, 4t United States Artillery,  28 November l892
Transferred to the 5th United States Artillery, 5 December 1892
Resigned, 2 November 1893
Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartermaster of Volunteers, 10 May 1898
Honorably Discharged from the Volunteer Service, 6 August 1898

General Andrews went on to serve with the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in World War I.

He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Research regarding his career continues.  If you have such information to share, kindly send it to the Webmaster via e-mail.

Brigadier General Avery Delano Andrews
Born in New York April 4, 1864 – Died In 1959

I have the same information as you until discharged August 6th, 1898:

Adjutant General (as Brigadier General) State of New York & Chief of Staff to General Roosevelt January 1, 1899 – January 1, 1900
Retired January 1, 1900

Vice President & Director of the General Asphalt Company
Vice President of Uintah Railway Company

Director of Military Services, Committee of Public Safety, State of Pennsylvania April-November 1917

Colonel (Engineers) (National Army) November 28, 1917
Brigadier General (National Army) October 13th, 1918

Deputy Director-General of Transportation, American Expeditionary Force 1917-18
Member, Inter-Allied Committee of Supreme War Council (February-April) 1918
Deputy Chief of Utilities, AEF (March-July) 1918
Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff G-4 (Materiel), Headquarters Service of Supply, HQ AEF(July) 1918
Duty with First Section, GHQ AEF 1918
Assistant Chief of Staff G-1 (Personnel), GHQ AEF 1918-19
Discharged May 31, 1919
Distinguished Service Medal

Born in Massena, New York
He married Mary Campbell (daughter of Lieuenant General John M. Schofield) September 27, 1888 at Governors Island, New York
Children – Schofield (7 August 1889 at Governor Island, New York. Died July 1971 at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania) and DeLano (4 March 1894 at New York City, died 19 April 1959 at Winter Park, Florida.
Practiced Law in New York from 1891
General Counsel, Barber Asphalt Paving Co. 1897-02
Vice President, Barber Asphalt Paving Co. from 1902
Police Commissioner of New York 1895-98

Major & Staff Engineer, 1st Brigade, National Guard of New York 1893-98
Commanding Officer, Squadron A, National Guard of New York 1898-99


NEW YORK, September 28, 1888 – A wedding, notably brilliant from the number of persons prominent in military circles who attended it, was solemnized yesterday afternoon at 6 o’clock in the little chapel of St. Cornelius at Governor’s Island.  The bride was Miss Mary Campbell Schofield, the daughter of Major General Schofield, and the groom was Lieutenant Avery D. Andrews of the Fifth Artillery who is stationed at Fort Columbus.

The maid of honor was Miss Georgia Kilbourne, a daughter of General H. P. Curtiss, the Judge Advocate of the Atlantic Division; Miss Eleanor Farley, a daughter of Major J. P. Farley; Miss Ruby Miller, a daughter of Colonel M. P. Miller, commander of the troops on the island, and Miss Mary Thompson.  Lieutenant Walter N. Darrow of the Fourth Artillery was best man and the ushers were Lieutenant John Pitcher of the First Cavalry and aide-de-camp to General Schofield, Lieutenant T. B. Mott of the First Artillery, Lieutenant Charles T. Riche of the Engineer Corps, and Lieutenant Charles B. Wheeler of the Fifth Artillery.  The groom, the best man and the ushers as well as most of the other officers present, wore full dress uniforms and carried swords.

After the ceremony a reception was held at General Schofield’s house. Among those present were General W. T. Sherman, Admiral Bancroft Gherardi and Mrs. Gherardi, Brigadier General Roger Jones, the Inspector General of the Army, General William D. Whipple and Mrs. Whipple, General William W. Burns and Mrs. Burns, General C. A. Tompkins, the Chief Quartermaster, General Joseph C. Jackson, General Stewart Van Vliet, General Fitz John Porter, Miss Porter, General T. G. Pitcher, Mrs. Pitcher, Professor Peter S. Mitchie of West Point, Colonel Alfred Mordecai, Lieutenant Colonel William R. King, Colonel Alexander Piper and Mrs. Piper, Major C. W. Raymond of Washington, Major Wallace F. Randolph and Mrs. Randolph, and Lieutenant J. E. Sawyer and Mrs. Sawyer.  There were also a large number of naval officers present from the men-of-war now in post, the Atlanta, Boston, Richmond and Minnesota.

His Son Becomes Aide-de-Camp
His Son-in-Law Goes Abroad

WASHINGTON, October 12, 1892 – It pays to be a relative of the Major General Commanding the United States Army. If you are a relative and are in the Army, you can be favored, and if you are enough of a relative and not in the Army you can be placed there. A general order which General Schofield issued today reads as follows:

“The resignation by Second Lieuenant Avery D. Andrews, Fifth Artillery, of his appointment as Aide-de-Camp on the Staff of the Major General Commanding the Army is hereby accepted, to take effect November 1, 1892, after which dated he will proceed to join his battery.  The travel enjoined is necessary for the public serice.

“Second Lieutenant Richmond MaA. Schofield, Fourth Cavalry, is hereby appointed Aide-de-Camp on the Staff of the Major General Commanding the Army, totankas such from November 1, 1892.”

Lieutenant Andrews is the son-in-law and Lieuenant Schofield if the son of General Schofield.  Lieutenant Andrews has rarely appeared in Washington, spending most of his time in New York, where he has a law office.

Lieutenant Andrews’ luck is not confined to the simple relief from “duty” in Washington on November 1.  He will not join his troop at that time, for in special orders sent out today is one which reads:

“With the approval of the Secretary of War leave of absence for one year is granted Lieutenant A. D. Andrews, Fifth Artillery.”

So he will be absent from his regiment for twelve months after the expiration of his term as social aide to General Schofield.

Lieutnenat Schofield, the General’s son, entered the Army after failing physically to get into the Military Academy.  He was appointed at his father’s solicitation, and now comes to Washington from Vancouver.  He will get $2,000 more a yearby being selected by this father as aide to the General.

The orders today surprise no one who isfamiliar with General Schofield’s partiality for his relatives and friends.  His action in detaching the officers of an Indian fighting troop to make room for his friends, that they might come to Fort Myer, near this city, was an instance of his willingness to demoralize the service so long as his friends are bneing benifited.  Not long ago, Colonel Bartlett of the Ninth Infantry was detailed to duty at Madison Barrraks, New York. Colonel Bartlett is General Schofield’s brother-in-law.

Adjutant General to Retired from Officer December 31
Business Demands His Time
He Declares that His Personal and Official Relations with the Governor Are Cordial

NEW YORK, December 18, 1899

Adjutant General Avery D. Andrews has sent in his resignation to Governor Roosevelt, giving as his reason that he is too much occupied with business to attend to military affairs.  Among his intimate friends it is known that he wished to take this step some time ago, but remained in officer to assist in the reestablishment of the National Guard after the Spanish War.  Following is the letter of resignation which he sent to the Governor:

“Hon. Theodore Roosevelt:

Dear Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith my resignation as Adjutant General of the State.  As explained to you several weeks ago, the demands of my personal business affairs are such that it is no longer possible for me to devote the necessary time and attention to my official duties as your chief of staff, and I therefore with regret request that my resignation be accepted, to take effect not later than December 31, 1899.

My annual report will contain a detailed review of the work of the Adjutant General’s office for the year, but it may not be improper to enumerate briefly some of the more important results achieved under your administration. The new system of staff administration, which cam into existence with your inauguration, has been fully organized and is now in satisfactory operation; the National Guard and Naval Militia have been re-equipped at considerable expense and re-established upon an efficient working basis; political considerations have not been permitted to have the slightest influence in military or naval concerns, and notwithstanding an extraordinary number of changes in personnel among both officers and men, due largely to past and present service in the United States Volunteers, the effective strength of the State troops today exceeds 15,000 men and is larger than ever before.  The work of the year, while voluminous and exacting, has also been interesting and congenial and I retired from your staff with the greatest personal regret.  In severing our official relations, permit me to express my grateful appreciation of the generous support of action and the cordial support which I have invariably received at your hands.  Respectfully, Avery D. Andrews, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff.

The Governor’s reply to this was as follows:

General Avery D. Andrews, Adjutant General, New York

Sir: I accept your resignation to take effect December 31, 1899, with the greatest reluctance.  I cannot overstate the value of the work you have performed during this year.  The Guard was in a very disorganized condition as a result of the Spanish War at the time that you came into office, and largely owing to the zeal, energy, disinterestedness, and high appreciation of the military and civic necessities of the situation which you have shown, it has now been brought to a thoroughly satisfactory point of efficiency. I thank you most heartily on behalf of the State, and great regret that you have to leave me.  Very truly yours, Theodore Roosevelt.

When questioned in regard to this resignation General Andrews said: “My resignation as Adjutant General is due solely to the necessities of my personal affairs which have recently made unusual demands upon my time.  My personal and official relations with the Governor, and, as far as I am aware, with the National Guard and the Naval Militia, are now and always have been most cordial and pleasant.  Much has been accomplished during the past year and in reestablishing the National Guard and Naval Militia upon an efficient basis, but constant and laborious effort is needed to keep them up to the highest standard of equipment, discipline and efficiency, and I do not feel that I can longer devote the necessary time to the service of the State.  Having been continuously in active military service since entering West Point, including service in the regular army, United States volunteers and National Guard, I feel that I may at this time not improperly ask to be relieved from further duty, at least for the present. I shall, however, always retain the deepest interest in all military matters, particularly in this State.”

General Andrews could not forecast the selection of his successor, as that, he said, was a matter about which only the Governor had any information.  Several high officers of the Guard, who were in the secret of General Andrews’ resignation, believe that Colonel Edward M. Hoffman, at present Inspector General on the staff of Major General Roe, stands a good chance of being selected, but another officer gave it as his opinion that Brigadier General McCloskey Butt, commanding the First Brigade, might succeed General Andrews.

“General Butt has ample time to give to the duties of the office,” said the officer,” and has made a fine record as an executive officer.  General Butt was a member of the committee which drafted the Military Code and no one excels him in knowledge of the affairs and needs of the Guard.”

General Andrews was appointed by Governor Roosevelt from among a large number of candidates.  He is a son-in-law of Major General J. M. Schofield, United States Army, retired.  General Andrews entered West Point as a cadet in July 1882 and upon being graduated became a Second Lieutenant in the Fifth Artillery July 1, 1886.  He was promoted First Lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery in November 1892 and was transferred to the Fifth Artillery in December of that same year.  He resigned from the Army in November 1898 to engage in the practice of law.  In the Spanish War he served as Lieutenant Colonel and Quartermaster and as Acting Inspector General of the First Division, First Army Corps.  He first entered the New York National Guard as engineer on the staff of Brigadier General Louis Fitzgerald of the First Brigade in November 1893.  In the extensive maneuvers attending the sham battles at Van Courtland Park he displayed much ability in topographical work.  He resigned from the staff of General Fitzgerald in February 1898 and was elected Major of Squadron A in March 1898.  He was appointed Adjutant General by Governor Roosevelt in January1899.  He served on the Police Board of this city when Governor Roosevelt was President of the Board.

Wife of Brigadier General is Dead in Winter Park, Florida

WINTER PARK, Florida, January 17, 1945 -Mrs. Mary Schofield Andrews, wife of Brigadier General Avery D. Andrews, who was Assistant Chief-of Staff to General Pershing in France in 1918, died at her home heretoday after a briefillness at the age of 79.  She was a daughter of Lieutenant General John M. Schofield of the Civil War.

Besides her busband, Mrs. Andrews leaves two sons, Delano Andrews of New York and Schofield Andrews of Philadelphia; a sister, Mrs. Walter Branson of Philadelphia, and seven grandchildren: Lieutenant Schofield Andrews, now in France. Lieutenant Stuart B. Andrews of the Army  Air Forces, Private Stockton A. Andrews of the Marines, Avery D. Andrews 2nd, Adeline L., Mary and Denison Andrews.


WINTER PARK, Florida, April 19, 1959 – Brigadier General Avery Delano Andrews, U.S.A., retired, died here today at his home.  He was 95years old.

In addition to his Army service, General Andrews was a lawyer, oil company executive and a former Police Commissioner of New York City.

He was head of the Police Department from 1895 to1898, when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the Police Board.  When Mr. Roosevelt became Governor of New York, General Andrews was his Chief of Staff and Adjutant General of the State.

As Police Commissioner, General Andrews organized the force’s first bicycle squad. He picked four men, all athletes, and stationed them on wheels in parts of the city where runaway horses were frequent.  In less than a month the squad stopped so many runaways that it was increased to 100 men.

General Andrews practices law herein the firm of Wells &Andrews.  In 1919 he became the representative in the United States of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company of Holland and the Shell Transport and Trading Company of London. He retired in 1930.

General Andrews was born in Massena, New York.  He was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1886.  He served in the Spanish-American War and was Assistant Chief of Staff to General John J. Pershing in World War I.

In 1892 General Andrews received a Bachelor of Laws degree from the New York Law School.

He was formerly a director of the Irving Trust Company of New York, the Central-Penn National Bank of Philadelphia and the Shell Union Oil Corporation.


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