Professional, Caring Addiction Interventions

In many cases, loved ones and those suffering from severe addiction and alcoholism may be unaware that they need treatment or they may be unwilling to accept help. Despite the best intentions of family and friends, there are occasions when professional intervention is necessary in order to stop the downward spiral of destruction that can be the direct result of alcoholism and/or drug addiction.

If your loved one has a co-occurring psychiatric disorder like post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorderdepression or anxiety, the intervention process becomes even more complicated. People who suffer from these conditions often have trouble understanding the severity of their illness. They may feel too hopeless, fearful or exhausted to reach out for help. Distortions of reality caused by schizophreniaobsessive-compulsive disorder or anxiety may make it impossible to trust those who care the most. A professional intervention specialist offers the expertise and support you need to bring your loved one into treatment, even under the most stressful circumstances.

Do We Really Need an Intervention?

Statistics compiled by the University of Iowa indicate that up to 10 million Americans have a Dual Diagnosis of addiction and a mental health disorder. Out of this number, a disturbing percentage receive no treatment at all, while others receive treatment for only their addiction or their mental illness. To be effective, a rehabilitation program for co-occurring disorders should integrate treatment for both substance abuse and psychiatric illness. But without an intervention, many Dual Diagnosis individuals may never get the help they need.

Staging an intervention might seem like a desperate, last-ditch measure, but in reality, a professional intervention is a safe, compassionate, organized way to help struggling individuals get the help they need.

An intervention can prevent the life-threatening consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, such as accidents, fatal falls, drowning, violent altercations or suicide. Going to rehab may help your family member or friend avoid the loss of a marriage, separation from children, financial ruin, homelessness or incarceration.

If you’re in doubt about whether your loved one needs an intervention, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Has my loved one been using alcohol or drugs to manage feelings of despair, sadness, hopelessness or worthlessness for two weeks or more?
  2. Have they been taken to an emergency room because of drug abuse, alcohol intoxication or a suicide attempt more than once in the past few months?
  3. Have they run away from home, tried to injure themselves or talked about suicide recently?
  4. Have they started engaging in behavior that they never would have considered before, like lying, stealing, gambling or having unsafe sex?
  5. Have I tried to express my concern and convince them to get treatment without success?
  6. Have they tried to quit drinking or using drugs, but they keep falling back into their destructive behaviors?

If you’ve reached the stage that you feel frustrated, hopeless or frightened by your loved one’s behavior, you may need an intervention to restore a sense of normalcy to your life. Hope is available when you reach out to professionals who have experience and training in the practice of intervention.

Intervention Strategies for the Dually Diagnosed

There is more than one way to stage an intervention, and no single approach will work for everyone. The Johnson intervention model is one of the most popular strategies. In this approach, each member of a family unit or intervention team takes turns describing the harm that the individual’s substance abuse has done. The intervention is usually arranged as a surprise, so the individual is caught off guard and doesn’t have time to present a defense. Other methods of intervention involve a less confrontational style that presents rehabilitation as an opportunity for healing and recovery.

Just as Dual Diagnosis treatment varies according to a patient’s psychiatric condition, intervention styles should be flexible enough to accommodate your loved one’s mental health disorder.

A person who is severely depressed may require emotional support during the intervention process to help them overcome feelings of despair, futility and hopelessness. Someone who suffers from anxiety may need a calm, reassuring approach to avoid panic or distress. Individuals with a Dual Diagnosis have complicated needs that often can’t be addressed with the same intervention strategies that work for the rest of the population.

Dual Diagnosis patients have a high risk of relapse, both in their addictive behavior and in their psychiatric symptoms. They are likely to react with strong emotions like anger, fear or sadness, and they may feel that the intervention betrays their trust. When you hold the intervention, your loved one’s mental state must be taken into consideration. Your intervention counselor can advise you on how to express your concern and support in a sensitive yet firm way.

To maximize your chances of success, work with a specialist who has extensive experience and training at Dual Diagnosis interventions.

Professional, Caring Addiction Interventions

Interventions can be extremely difficult to hold successfully without professional assistance. For many of us, interventions represent a “last hope” of sorts in an effort to save those we love. If your situation requires an intervention, we have longstanding relationships with many successful interventionists throughout the country who are serious about treatment and not the kickback some centers provide. If you need the services of a professional interventionist, please just call (844-768-0308) or contact our admissions team and we will help you consider your options.

Intervention Infographic: More Than Just a Meeting

If you need more information or would like to start a discussion online, use this infographic to explore more of the issues around how interventions can help our loved ones.


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