Addiction in the Digital Age

As technology changes and advances, so does the world we live in. The prevalence of high-speed internet access and plentiful smart devices shrinks our environment and increases our access to just about everything you could imagine on a daily basis. Even substance abuse and addiction are affected by the rise of the Internet, social media … Read more

5 Most Common Disorders with Addictions

Some conditions seem destined to come in pairs. Heart disease often follows a diagnosis of diabetes, for example, and allergies often come hand in hand with asthma. The same sort of joining effect sometimes takes hold when an addiction is in play. In fact, it’s quite common for certain drugs of abuse to be entangled … Read more

Separation Anxiety Disorder

(SAD) is most often an issue suffered by small children. It’s a normal stage of development characterized by symptoms of anxiety and upset when physically separated from a primary caregiver. They may: Be frightened by the idea of meeting new people Be unhappy about being in unfamiliar situations with new people Feel threatened when left … Read more

Where to Build a Support Network After Rehab

One of the most important components of recovery comes after you have completed treatment. The challenge of remaining sober once you are away from the support network you developed while in treatment grows more difficult the longer you go without support, so it’s important that you are prepared to build and maintain a support network … Read more

How Seasonal Changes Affect Bipolar Disorder

Our brains manage a wide range of emotional and psychological functions. They use a sensitive and intricate system of chemical signals and responses sent via the central nervous system. A number of environmental and congenital factors can affect this system. Changes in brain chemistry can cause significant changes in a person’s mood. The Environment’s Impact … Read more

Licenses and Regulations for Sober Living Homes

When choosing a sober living home for your loved one, it is important to take a moment to make sure that they have the appropriate accreditation and licenses necessary to legally run a drug and alcohol addiction treatment establishment. It may not seem like something that should have to be on your checklist when researching facilities for … Read more

Problem Gaming: Player One Continue?

Video games may have once been the domain of the stereotypical introverted young male gamer, but today they’ve become one of America’s most popular forms of entertainment. Fifty-nine percent of Americans now play video games.[1] Almost half of them are girls and women – in fact, adult female gamers (36 percent) now substantially outnumber male gamers … Read more

Dry Drunk Syndrome

Anyone who has ever gone through recovery knows that coming back from the depths of a substance abuse problem is a long process. HBO’s Addiction Project estimates that recovery can only be considered fully successful after four or five years of support. More often than not, it can be very frustrating and arduous, especially when … Read more

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Professionals

Money and power are often linked with health and prestige. It’s assumed that professionals who have achieved some level of success just have less to worry about, when compared with the average person, and they might not develop addictions or substance abuse problems as a result. It’s assumed that their high status in their communities will protect … Read more

Withdrawal from Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are arguably some of the most gripping and life-threatening addictive drugs on the market. Prescribed to treat panic disorders and anxiety, benzos may first seem like a saving grace but for patients who don’t use them as prescribed and for those who abuse the pills without a prescription, they can quickly create a deadly … Read more

The Role of EMDR in PTSD Recovery

When something stressful happens, the body is designed to react by either fighting or fleeing. The pupils dilate, the muscles tense and digestion slows. In just seconds, the entire body is poised and ready for some sort of reaction, and all of that work happens deep in the subconscious portion of the mind. A person … Read more

History of Rehab Facilities

Addiction has been a part of the human condition since time immemorial. Ever since the earliest farmers noticed that fermentation in fruit provided unexpectedly pleasant results, the joy of imbibing in alcoholic beverages has always been tempered with the consequences of overdoing it. Various forms of treatment have been tried over the years, some more … Read more

Avoidant Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse

On a regular morning, an average person might leave home, buy a frothy beverage at a coffee shop, pop into a crowded subway and then stroll into the office. These little steps might involve interactions with dozens of strangers, and the thought of working with those people might make anyone uncomfortable. In fact, an article … Read more

Help for Percocet Abuse

Percocet is designed to deliver a one-two punch to pain. Each dose contains acetaminophen (a painkiller) and oxycodone (a narcotic), so people who take Percocet in response to pain should feel their discomfort ease and their sense of contentedness rise. That’s vital help for people dealing with pain. Typically, this medication is only provided in … Read more

Modified Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Services within an Integrated Treatment Program

Highlights Integrated treatment targeting co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems were delivered through modified ACT services to improve housing stability, clinical outcomes, and quality of life for persons who were homeless or living in temporary and unstable housing (e.g., doubled up with friends). From March 2002 to December 2003, 560 persons with co-occurring mental … Read more

Substance Abuse: When (and How) to Intervene

R.* was in high school when, severely depressed, she was forced to withdraw from her classes. Rather than seek out counseling, R. says she “turned to drugs and alcohol. I nearly killed myself partying.” The reason for foregoing professional help goes back to the environment in which she was raised, she explains. “Growing up religious, … Read more

Geriatric Depression Scale

The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a tool used by medical professionals to identify the signs of depression in older and medically ill patients. A report published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry said that the Geriatric Depression Scale: Is comprised of “yes” or “no” questions Can be taken by the patient or administered by the medical professional … Read more

Foundations Model of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual Diagnosis Treatment is one of the most specialized, complex areas of addiction rehabilitation. Treating those with both a mental illness and a drug or alcohol addiction is a complicated, delicate process that requires experts in both fields in order to be successful. Through its groundbreaking treatment centers, Foundations Recovery Network has developed a highly … Read more

Preventing Hangover Anxiety

“The hangovers became worse … My family was starting to recognize that I had a severe drinking problem … I didn’t care because I was so numbed by alcohol …The hidden bottles, slurred speech, sleeping all day (passed out) and isolation was a common occurrence, and I was only 22-23 years old,” recalls Shawn A. in … Read more

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) was founded in the early 1950s as an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Although the organization grew slowly at first, by 1983, NA had spread to over a dozen countries and had nearly 3,000 meetings worldwide.Today, NA offers over 63,000 weekly meetings in 132 countries, and has literature available in at least 45 languages. The … Read more

The Use of Neurofeedback in Treatment

You might have heard of biofeedback, a scientific approach of collecting information about the body and its processes through monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and brain waves. Types of biofeedback include: Thermal Heart rate variability (HRV) Muscular (EMG) Neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or neurofeedback Neurofeedback, in short, is an arm of biofeedback that reports on … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Alcohol?

There’s no easy, one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how long detox will continue when a drinker attempts to stop drinking alcohol. A number of factors will play a part in determining the length of detox as well as the type and severity of withdrawal symptoms. How long has the person been drinking (e.g., months, … Read more

Approaches to an Intervention

As the Mayo Clinic explains, an intervention is a structured approach to helping a drug abuser face his addiction and need for treatment. The intervention can be helpful when a substance abuser is in denial about his abuse or behaves in a way that suggests he will not seek treatment on his own, despite the necessity of … Read more

Subject of Treatment by Specific Co-occurring Disorders

An article published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse suggests that about one-third of people admitted to psychiatric programs have concurrent substance abuse concerns. Studies like this suggest that many people who head to their doctors for assistance with a mental health concern may have a substance abuse problem lurking in the background. Healing is possible, … Read more

Pharmacy Advantages for Military Retirees

Managing costs without compromising health care Like the private health care sector, the military health care system has seen its costs rise rapidly over the past decade. As health care costs in the private sector have risen over the past decade, so have the costs of treating active duty soldiers, their families, and retirees, due … Read more

How Alcohol Affects PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stress and anxiety condition that is caused by exposure to intensely stressful circumstances and experiences such as the following: Natural disasters Violent crimes Domestic Violence Battlefield or military violence Physical or sexual abuse The sudden loss of a loved one Intense economic hardship Proximity to explosions Long-term bullying Shocking or … Read more

Sudden Personality Changes in Adults

What do you do if you or someone you love undergoes a big personality change? A sudden personality change in an adult may be a warning sign of a number of problems. If a loved one has been acting strangely or is suddenly concerning you with unusual behavior, it may be time to seek help. … Read more

Marijuana Abuse and ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is very common, affecting nine percent of children in the United States between ages 13 and 19. It can carry on to adulthood, affecting 4.1 percent of adults over age 18, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Similarly, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that marijuana is the most … Read more

AA for Atheists

One of the key components to a sustainable and prolonged recovery from substance abuse or dependency is often the active participation in a support or self-help group after successfully completing a drug or alcohol treatment program. Peer support and the creation of a healthy network of individuals with similar circumstances may help maintain long-term sobriety. … Read more

Ikaria Juice on Test – Current Experiences & Reviews 2024

Ikaria Juice Cover

The Ikaria Lean Belly Elixir serves as a nutritional adjunct, championed for its naturalistic approach towards managing weight and bolstering a salubrious digestive tract. Nonetheless, amidst the abundant similar products available in the marketplace and multiple reports of supplement fraud, it is crucial to ascertain whether Ikaria Juice is a bona fide product or a … Read more

Gundry MD ProPlant Complete Shake in Test – Experiences & Reviews 2024

Gundry MD PorPlant Complete Shake in test

Are you looking for a way to achieve body wellness and fitness? Look no further than ProPlant Complete Shake! This high-quality, plant-based protein shake is designed to help users improve their energy levels, muscle and bone strength, heart health, mental health, and even eyes health. About the Brand Introducing Gundry MD, a reputable American wellness … Read more

The Classification of Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders and the symptoms associated with them make up a subject of intensive study and ongoing debate within the medical and psychiatric communities. An accurate diagnosis can mean the difference between effective mental health treatment and treatment that does little to aid in improving the patient’s quality of life and the patient’s ability to … Read more

Medications for Sleeping Disorders Treatment

In the treatment of sleep disorders, there are a few different types of medications commonly prescribed to patients. Some medications address disruptive physical ailments that make it difficult for patients to sleep while others aid in helping the patient to fall asleep or sleep through the night. Because there can be a number of causes for … Read more

Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Substance Abuse

In 1985, an Illinois man heard a rumor that his wife was staying out late. He became convinced that his wife was having an affair, so he confronted her and stabbed her 23 times. She didn’t survive the attack, per an account in the Chicago Tribune. In a similar case, a young New York man admitted … Read more

Gambling Addiction and Substance Abuse

In 48 of the 50 states, a player can walk into a casino and plop down money on a game of chance. Dice, cards, wheels, machines and more are all put to good use here, creating the illusion that money can be easily won and that luck is right around the corner. And sometimes, it’s … Read more

The Stages of Recovery: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Overcoming an addiction isn’t a simple process. In fact, it may be more accurate to think of it like a journey in which you venture through uncharted territories before finally reaching your destination. The concept of recovery as a process or journey is not often conveyed in recovery literature, but understanding this concept can be … Read more

Psychological Testing

The realm of psychological testing is broad and complicated. The range of emotions and behaviors humans experience is just as vast and complicated, so it’s only fitting that the field of psychological testing mirrors that. You may have taken some kind of psychological testing without even realizing it. The quizzes found in newsstand magazines are … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – Emotional and Mental Health in the Army Reserve

The Health Behavior and Behavior Survey (HRBS) is the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) primary survey of the health, health behaviors and well-being of military personnel. The HRBS, which has been conducted regularly for more than 30 years, covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands of military life. … Read more

Testing and Assessments for Comorbidity

Dual Diagnosis occurs when a person has an alcohol or substance abuse problem and a mental health disorder. Also called comorbidity, the instances of having two or more co-occurring disorders is far more common than one might believe. It’s estimated that nearly 50 percent of all persons diagnosed with mental health disorders have a substance abuse problem. … Read more

Finding Treatment for Drug Addiction

It’s been a tough call to make, but you’re finally ready to get substance abuse treatment for yourself or your loved one. You’ve made the right decision – even if things seem to be improving, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 40 to 60 percent of people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol … Read more

What Are the Most Addictive Prescription Drugs?

Prescription drugs are one of the most highly abused categories of substances in the United States. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 16 million people in the US reported using a prescription drug without a prescription or for a nonmedical purpose in the past year; about seven million reported doing so in the … Read more

History of Mental Health Treatment

Mental illness isn’t a uniquely modern phenomenon. The genetic influences that stand behind some types of mental illnesses, along with the physical and chemical assaults that can spark illnesses in some people, have always been part of human life. But the ways in which impacted people are treated by their peers, as well as the … Read more

Stress and Relapse

Relapse is, sadly, part of the healing process for many people who have addictions. At one moment, they make a commitment to leading a life that’s free of any kind of intoxicating substance at all. But in the next moment, they seem overwhelmed by the urge to use, and they comply with that urge by … Read more


Bipolar I disorder, also known as bipolar disorder and formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health disorder that creates a number of noticeable issues in the person’s day-to-day experience of life and ability to handle different issues. Many patients struggle with: Mood swings Fluctuations in energy Fluctuations in activity level Inability to manage … Read more


What makes a depression disorder atypical? When the patient experiences all the symptoms of a specific depression disorder (e.g., bipolar disorder, dysthymia, major depression, etc.) but also exhibits one symptom or multiple symptoms that are not typical of that disorder. For example, according to a study published in the journal Psychiatry, the following are signs of atypical … Read more

Does Mandatory Treatment Work?

Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to health concerns, trouble with interpersonal relationships, and a loss of production in the workplace. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that creates chemical changes in the brain and the natural reward and motivation centers. Someone suffering from a substance abuse dependency may spend most of their time seeking … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – Limitations, Disabilities and Physical Health Among the Reserve

The Health-Related Behavior Survey (HRBS) is the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) primary survey of the health, health behaviors and well-being of military personnel. The HRBS, which has been conducted regularly for more than 30 years, covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands of military life. The Department … Read more

The Role of Genetics

When one person in a family struggles with addiction, the likelihood that another family member will also struggle with drug or alcohol dependence increases. Though it has long been known that genetics can play a role in the development of a substance abuse problem, little attention has been paid to the fact that genetics and … Read more

Issues of Treatment by Special Treatment Requirements

Matching addicted people to the right kind of care is absolutely vital, as patients who affiliate with their treatment programs tend to stay enrolled and, as a result, they tend to improve. While it’s vital for referring professionals to match their recommendations with a patient’s physical and mental health needs, it’s also vital to assess what … Read more

Behavioral Modification

Developed from the work of B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning, behavioral modification seeks to change or shape behavior through a set of stimuli and response actions. Operant conditioning works under the premise that the best way to understand a person’s behavior is to look at the reason for action and the consequences of said action. … Read more

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Share (SAD) is a form of depression that strikes patients during specific seasons – usually winter when temperatures are cold, the sun is shining less often, and patients are often confined to the indoors. Though depressive symptoms associated with SAD may lift as the days lengthen, very often they can worsen and become debilitating without … Read more

Medications for Bipolar Disorders Treatment

Almost all patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, will be prescribed medication to help them balance their moods and mitigate the difficult symptoms that often define the disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), mood stabilizers are often the first medication measure implemented in the pharmacological treatment of Bipolar disorder, … Read more

A Look at Pregnancy and Wellness

From the moment of conception, the health of an unborn child and its mother are inextricably linked. Decades ago, scientists thought that the placenta protected the developing baby from any toxins in the mother’s bloodstream during pregnancy. Today, they know that the placenta is highly permeable, with many drugs and their metabolites being able to cross … Read more

Evidence-Based Treatment Practices

The National Alliance on Mental Illness defines evidence-based practices, also known as EBPs, as treatments that have been researched academically or scientifically, been proven effective, and replicated by more than one investigation or study. This model integrates medically researched evidence with individual patient values and the clinical experience of the provider. Evidence-based treatment practices are meant to … Read more

The Facts About Alcohol Treatment

For all the popularity of alcohol, everyone knows at least one person who has struggled with alcoholism. And there have been hundreds of cases of celebrities, politicians, and other public figures getting treatment for an alcohol habit that got out of hand. We hear a lot about words like “rehab,” “detox,” and “therapy” when it … Read more

Alcohol Cardiomyopathy

What Is Alcohol Cardiomyopathy? Alcohol cardiomyopathy, a form of dilated cardiomyopathy, is a condition that leads to heart failure as a result of chronic alcohol abuse. Heart failure occurs when the heart can no longer pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. People who suffer from heart failure often exhibit a shortness of breath, … Read more

Treatment for Members of the LGBT Community

One of the most common reasons that people use drugs and alcohol is to cope with stress. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people are likely to experience more stress than their heterosexual counterparts. Stressful circumstances might include: The decision of whether to come out, and if so, how Rejection or punishment from family members … Read more

Neuropsychological Testing

You might be familiar with some kinds of psychological evaluations like the Rorschach Inkblot test or the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory – III (MCMI-III). Similarly, neuropsychological tests measure some personality or cognitive elements present in a person. Like psychological tests, these assessments are equally beneficial to clinicians and psychologists, particularly neuropsychologists. What Are Neuropsychological Tests? … Read more

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Addiction

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is an anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences recurring thoughts that cause irrational fears and anxiety. Individuals with OCD engage in repeated, compulsive rituals, such as counting items, hand washing and organizing. Executing these rituals provides temporary relief while they are being performed, but the anxiety returns soon after they stop. OCD … Read more

The Environmental Impact of Growing Drugs

Both lawful and illicit drug manufacturing and disposal can have a negative impact on the environment, a consequence that is often overshadowed by society’s emphasis on how drugs destroy people. The damage drugs pose to the environment widens the scope of the drug problem in America. An accurate assessment of the consequences drugs have on … Read more

Medicine for Anxiety Treatment

There are a number of different types of anxiety disorders, the most common of which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Depending upon the type and severity of symptoms, different medications may be more or less appropriate. Any other issues, like substance abuse, may also play a role in … Read more

Important Statistics

When a patient presents with symptoms of both a substance abuse disorder and a mental health disorder, they are living with a Dual Diagnosis. The pair of issues can be comprised of any combination (e.g., alcoholism and depression, painkiller dependence and anxiety disorder, marijuana addiction and bipolar disorder, etc.) and in most cases, the symptoms and … Read more

The History of Drug Abuse and How It’s Changed

The history of drug abuse extends much further back in time than many people think. For instance, alcoholic beverages were being produced as early as 7000 B.C., according to research published by the University of Pennsylvania. In addition, hallucinogens have been found in caves in Peru that date back between 8600 and 5600 B.C. One of the best ways … Read more

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Bipolar disorder, once commonly known as manic depression, is a serious mental disorder that is characterized by sudden and intense shifts in mood, behavior and energy levels. Like substance abuse, bipolar disorder poses a risk to the individual’s physical and emotional well-being. Those afflicted with bipolar disorder have a higher rate of relationship problems, economic … Read more

Costs of Outpatient Treatment

Treatment services for drug abuse and addiction can get expensive, even if the patient opts for outpatient care. The good news is that this cost is extremely modifiable, determined based on the combination of services chosen and whether or not health insurance will cover all or part of the cost. What treatment services will best help … Read more

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is defined by the existence of both psychological dependence and physical dependence on at least one illicit substance, according to PubMed Health. Marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, synthetic drugs and even prescription drugs that can be effective medically are highly addictive. There are a number of reasons why someone may develop an addiction, but recovery comes … Read more

Resilience and Perseverance of Military Families

Debra Mendelsohn feels the nightly terror of a loved one in danger, the heartbreaking frustration of being a single mother of two, and the strain of a bad Skype connection. Her family is a military family that has stuck together through three deployments that could have tested them, but did not. He came to rely … Read more

Primary Hypersomnia Disorder

Also known as idiopathic hypersomnia, primary hypersomnia disorder is defined by hypoarousal, or a state of being less awake and alert and experiencing lesser cognitive and motor function as well as emotional capacity. In simpler terms, those who are living with primary hypersomnia disorder are often very sleepy and experience longer episodes of non-REM (rapid eye … Read more

Military Technicians for Behavioral Health

Understand and optimize the System Behavioral health technicians (BHTs) are military personnel who are expected to provide clinical support services alongside independent, licensed behavioral health providers. When optimally integrated, BHTs can enhance the mental health capacity of military personnel and ensure that military members have access to high-quality, effective services. BHTs are trained to conduct … Read more

Schizophrenia and Methadone Use

Methadone is a controversial drug that is primarily used to help addicts recover from an addiction. The controversy is easy to see: many argue that a user is simply trading one substance for another, which can lead to another addiction. While some have used the drug to successfully defeat their problems, there are others that … Read more

Ketamine Abuse and Alcoholism

More and more often, patients who seek treatment for substance abuse cite more than one drug as their substance of choice. In the past, alcohol was the primary drug of abuse among addicted patients, but today the combination of types of substances vary significantly by region. However, when multiple drugs of abuse are cited, alcohol … Read more

Using a Breathalyzer at Home

Alcohol breathalyzers used by individuals are becoming more and more common as people take responsibility for their health. It’s no secret that alcohol is a toxin; moderate drinking is defined as one drink of alcohol per day for women and two drinks per day for men, and those who drink more than this may be putting their … Read more

Relapse Guide

Anyone who has ever overcome a substance abuse problem can look you in the eye and tell you that it was not easy process. Addiction sinks its claws very deep into a person’s mind and life, and escaping its clutches is not always a clean process. That’s why every recovery program stresses the importance of … Read more

Alcohol, Drugs and Aggression

Cardwell C. Nuckols, Ph.D.Anger, aggression and addiction are intertwined in many ways, Anger has been implicated in relapse as stated in the language of Alcoholics Anonymous. For decades the self-help programs have warned those in recovery from addiction to avoid becoming hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. These emotions are also a confounding factor in situations … Read more

Why Preventing Suicides Within the Military Is a Nationwide Issue

Last week, the Associated Press released data showing that there were more suicides in the military this spring than ever before. If this trend continues, 2012 could set a record for military suicides. RAND and the Department of Defense, along with other organizations, have been working to prevent suicides for years, so this news was … Read more
