Acute Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse

“I need a drink.” That’s the phrase characters on television shows use when they’ve been exposed to some type of tragic event. The implication is that substance use allows these characters to soothe their minds and forget about the trauma they’ve seen, so the plot can move forward and the writers can inflict yet more … Read more

Difference Between Abuse and Addiction

What’s the difference between drug abuse and drug dependence, and are they connected? It’s a common question, and it may not always be easy to tell when someone you care about crosses the line from abuse of a substance into a full-blown addiction. The difference is in the number of diagnostic criteria as per the Diagnostic … Read more

The Connection Between Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reports that there is a “definite connection between mental illness and the use of addictive substances” and that mental health disorder patients are responsible for the consumption of: 38 percent of alcohol 44 percent of cocaine 40 percent of cigarettes NBER also reports that people who have been diagnosed with … Read more

Top 4 Types of Interventions

Every addiction story is different. And because this is true, there are different types of interventions designed to help different types of families and individuals. What works best for someone like Betsy may not work for another. Keep in mind that these are basic descriptions, and the best type of intervention is one that is … Read more

The BFF’s Guide to Helping Someone With a Heroin Addiction

You’ve started to realize that your friend seems inexplicably exhausted most of the time. In fact, it’s not uncommon for him or her to starting falling asleep while sitting upright, even in the middle of conversation. Then you notice that there are marks on your friend’s arms, almost bruise-like and rather small. It might have … Read more

Cocaine Abuse and Depression

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that is derived from the coca plant that grows naturally in regions such as South America. Cocaine gives users a burst of energy and floods the pleasure centers in the brain, creating a temporary euphoric or happy feeling. The drug is usually snorted, injected or smoked. It acts … Read more

Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Diagnose Mental Illness

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that there are 25.9 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines per million people living in the United States in 2007. That’s a remarkable number of very expensive machines, and not surprisingly, experts often look for new and innovative ways to use the machines they’ve purchased. Each time they use … Read more

“Astonishing” Study: Almost Everyone Who Overdoses on Painkillers Continues to Get Refills from a Doctor

A recent study published in Annals of Internal Medicine offers a shocking glimpse at just how broken our health care system is when it comes to delivering help to people battling addiction. The research showed that among 3,000 people who suffered nonfatal overdoses while being prescribed opioids for pain over a 12-year period, 91 percent of them … Read more

Alternative Options to Prison

Of the myriad of reasons why people enter into the criminal justice system, illicit drug use is one of the most serious. Drug addiction and abuse don’t simply go away while a person is incarcerated; the underlying issues still remain and can make it harder for a person to readjust to daily life after being released from … Read more

Cyclothymic Disorder

Cyclothymic disorder, also known as Cyclothymia, is the most mild type of bipolar disorder in terms of its symptoms and effects on the patient. Those who are diagnosed with this version of bipolar disorder often struggle with mild depression as well as hypomanic episodes cyclically for a minimum of two years but do not mean the criteria … Read more

Treatment Therapies for Dual Diagnosis Patients

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than half of individuals who suffer from drug addiction also have a diagnosable mental illness other than the addiction issue itself. Researchers, thus far, have been unable to determine the exact reasons behind this interesting fact, but there are several theories. In order to understand the treatments … Read more

Fentanyl Withdrawal

Prescription drug abuse is a massive health care concern in America: 16,235 people died as a result of overdoses of prescription opioids in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control (and quoted by Forbes magazine). There are many reasons why patients misuse prescription drugs, but a desperate relief from pain ranks very highly on the list, … Read more

Costs of Outpatient Treatment

Treatment services for drug abuse and addiction can get expensive, even if the patient opts for outpatient care. The good news is that this cost is extremely modifiable, determined based on the combination of services chosen and whether or not health insurance will cover all or part of the cost. What treatment services will best help … Read more

Alcoholism and Anxiety Disorder

When someone is struggling with both alcoholism and an anxiety disorder of any kind, it is termed a “Dual Diagnosis.” Their experience in addiction, as well as their experience in treatment, will be different as compared to someone who suffers from alcoholism alone. Alcohol significantly impacts a patient’s experience with anxiety disorder symptoms, and anxiety disorder symptoms often drive alcoholic … Read more

Drug Abuse and Skin Picking

Drug abuse affects every organ in your body — including your body’s largest organ, the skin. Skin picking and hair pulling are two common reactions to the physical and psychological effects of illicit drug use. Heroin and meth use can cause direct damage to the skin in the form of needle marks and abscesses. Many users … Read more

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is a type of mental health diagnosis that is characterized by odd behaviors and beliefs that become the focus of the patient’s life so overwhelmingly that they find it difficult to connect with others in a meaningful way. The disorder can make it difficult for the patient to maintain positive relationships … Read more

Sudden Personality Changes in Adults

What do you do if you or someone you love undergoes a big personality change? Learn the warning signs of a deeper problem associated with sudden personality changes in adults. If a loved one has been acting strangely or suddenly concerning you with unusual behavior, it may be time to seek help. What Is a … Read more

Bipolar II

Unlike bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar I, bipolar II disorder is not characterized by manic episodes but by depressive episodes as well as hypomanic episodes that occur in cycles. It’s one of the more commonly diagnosed types of bipolar disorder, and it can be disruptive for patients, making it difficult for them to have positive and … Read more

Synthetic Drug Abuse

Synthetic, or man-made, designer drug abuse has exploded since first appearing on the scene in the United States around 2009. Products are marked as “herbal incense,” “potpourri,” “bath salts,” “jewelry cleaner,” or “plant food,” and they are sold in head shops, gas stations and on the Internet. CNN estimates that over 200 of these drug compounds have … Read more

Postpartum Depression

Hormones fluctuate significantly during pregnancy and during the months afterward. Many women will experience feelings of unexplained sadness as a result, be irritable or restless, and struggle with anxiety. Usually, however, these symptoms fade in the first two weeks after giving birth. Some women, however, have a completely different emotional experience after childbirth. Some will experience … Read more

How Is It Discovered?

When a Dual Diagnosis is problematic, the symptoms of two separate disorders are in evidence. Mental health symptoms that indicate an untreated mental health disorder and substance abuse problem or addiction are generally the two co-occurring issues. But how can you tell if the mental health issues your loved one is experiencing are due to drug use alone or … Read more

Crisis Intervention

If you know someone who is suffering from the ravages of addiction, you are probably familiar with the concept of a crisis. Individuals who abuse drugs often have emergencies in their lives, ranging from overdoses to evictions as well as legal issues concerning them and their children. Crises, while exhausting and stress-inducing, can be great … Read more

7 Benefits of Seeking Professional Alcohol Treatment

Whether the problem is binge drinking, chronic drinking, heavy drinking, or alcoholism, the drinker who is seeking to find balance in his life will more swiftly and safely meet his goals by choosing professional alcohol treatment. Dependent upon the specific obstacles facing the person as he stops drinking, a unique treatment plan can be developed that will … Read more

Understanding the Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Life’s Normal Ups and Downs

Let’s face it: Everyone has good and bad days, and normal changes in mood are not only expected but a routine aspect of life. But bipolar disorder is something different altogether. When someone’s mood swings are so dramatic they interfere with his/her ability to maintain relationships, career or overall mental and physical health, untreated bipolar … Read more

Major Depression (Clinical)

Everyone gets sad from time to time. Either due to mood swings, hormonal changes, or upsetting life events like divorce or the loss of a loved one, depression is a normal part of life. However, when depression symptoms continue for weeks or months at a time, it can be a sign that major depression – also known … Read more


We live in a stressful world that expects more and more of us seemingly every day. More than 49.2 million Americans turn to Xanax – or its generic form alprazolam – as the answer, IMS Health statistics reported in 2012. Xanax, or alprazolam, is the most prescribed psychiatric drug in the United States, per Fox News, and the … Read more

Problems Facing Adults who Struggled with Trauma as a Child

Experiencing trauma as a child can lead to a host of emotional and psychological issues that may not emerge until later in life. Adults who experienced trauma during childhood may experience difficulties in many aspects of their lives. They may not realize that these traumatic experiences are contributing factors to their current issues or even … Read more

Treatment for Hydrocodone Abuse

Today, prescription painkillers are a well-known threat to public health and safety. A contributing factor to the painkiller epidemic is a public perception that these drugs are safer than street drugs because they are manufactured by regulated pharmaceutical companies and prescribed by doctors – but this is not the case. Prescription painkiller abuse arises either … Read more

Self-Destruction and Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, can lead an individual through complicated and overwhelming emotions that sometimes lead to self-destructive behavior. Self-injury and risky decision making can make bipolar disorder dangerous to your health and your life, but there is help available. Symptoms of Mania and Depression Bipolar disorder is the clinical name for manic … Read more

Diagnosing Mental Illness Using Electroencephalography

Just talking with a professional is often the best way to identify a deficiency in the brain. When something is amiss in the cells of the brain, a person may find it hard to speak coherently, stay on topic or remember the details of words spoken moments before. While this conversation can sometimes help experts … Read more

Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Some changes are incredibly easy to bring about. People who want to switch from coffee to tea, for example, might toss out their old coffee pots and filters, ensuring that only teabags line the cupboards of their homes. Similarly, those who want to switch from one language to another might move to a location in … Read more

How Depression Affects Learning

Depression is a mental health illness. It has a number of genetic, biological and environmental causes. It contributes to a number of other mental and physical health issues including learning ability. How Does Depression Directly Affect Learning? Individuals with depression may be unable to complete tasks that require high-motor and cognitive skills. They may feel confused, … Read more

Recognizing the Signs of Heroin Abuse

Heroin is a powerfully addictive depressant, causing an intense, rapid high in its users, but also exacting a terrible toll on their physical and mental well-being. Despite it being one of the deadliest drugs available, and despite the wealth of information provided by health care and law enforcement professionals, it still remains a tragically common … Read more

Domestic Violence within the Military

Implementation of cooperation protocols Although military installations are separated from surrounding communities in various ways, they are not islands. Military personnel and their families regularly visit these communities, and many live off installation. Domestic violence that occurs off installation is the responsibility of local civilian authorities. In fact, civilian authorities may also have jurisdiction (and … Read more

Economic Status and Abuse

Economic status refers to the bracket or class a person or household falls into based on their income production level. In 2012, around 122,459,000 households had income during the year, and 4.5 percent of them brought in more than $200,000.[1] Those who made between $39,736 and $104,087 that year were considered to be of middle class … Read more

6 Theories Behind a Dual Diagnosis

Study after study has suggested that mental illnesses and drug addictions go hand in hand. For example, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey found that those with a history of alcohol problems were more than four times more likely to have a depressive episode than people who had no such alcohol … Read more

Diabetes and Substance Abuse

Managing a diabetes problem means paying close attention to each and every molecule of food and drink that enters the body. Strict control like this can keep blood sugar levels in check, and sometimes a proper diet can reduce a person’s need for diabetes medications. Unfortunately, some people add drugs or alcohol into their dietary … Read more

Recovery: Abstinence vs. Moderation

Typically, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about addiction recovery is how to quit using or abusing a substance forever. There are proponents of another theory though, that one can control addiction through moderation management (MM) behaviors, and there is evidence to support this theory, too. Abstinence Abstaining is the most traditional … Read more

The Concerns of Prolonged Drug use

No one starts using drugs with the intention of developing serious long-term problems. But the fact is, prolonged drug abuse has a harmful effect on every aspect of your health: physical, mental and emotional. Addiction undermines intimate relationships, breaks up families, destroys careers and ravages financial resources. If you’re chemically dependent on drugs, getting clean … Read more

The Science of a Hangover

Chances are if you are one of the 136.9 million current American drinkers of alcohol, one-quarter of whom binge drank in the last month, as reported by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) of 2013, you have likely experienced a hangover at some point. Alcohol, particularly binge drinking, cost the United States approximately $224 … Read more

Heroin Detox

Heroin, an opioid drug derived from the opium poppy plant, is a highly addictive illicit drug. Classified as a Schedule I drug by the DEA, heroin is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no governmentally accepted medicinal properties. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 23 percent of people who use heroin develop … Read more

Signs of Inhalant Abuse

Some of the top substances of abuse among young people are inhalants – a group of chemicals that are often easily found around the house and abused by “huffing” the fumes they create. Though markers, hygiene products, cleaners, and other common household products may seem innocuous enough, when used for the purposes of getting high, they can … Read more

Understanding the Connection Between Fluctuating Hormones and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder presents differently in different patients — even when the individuals have the same subset diagnosis. Some individuals experience primarily one symptom or another, and these symptoms can closely resemble those of other conditions, such as simple depression or schizophrenia. There is no clinical test for bipolar disorder; rather, a diagnosis is made on the basis of … Read more

Managing Medications: Antidepressants

Trying to sort through all the different medications available to treat depression can be overwhelming. Here, we’ve got a cheat sheet that covers some of the most widely used medications, how they work, their side effects and some patient anecdotes. Remember, side effects may go away within a few weeks of starting treatment, and it … Read more

Featured Treatment Centers

Why Our Treatment Centers Work About Our Treatment Centers Why Our Treatment Centers Work Imagine if you suffered from a debilitating mental illness such as bipolar disorder or severe anxiety. Now think about how difficult it would be to cope with that illness if you also had an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Such is the … Read more

Treatment by Gender

Both men and women can develop addictions, although a study in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse suggests that women tend to develop addictions more rapidly than their male counterparts, and they also tend to enter treatment programs a little sooner in their addiction careers. The differences between the genders don’t stop with the acquisition of the … Read more

Common Mental Health Issues Among Women

Mental health disorders can affect anyone of any gender, race or age. There are over 50 million Americans who suffer from mental illness, and if you’re one of them, you’re not alone. Of both genders, women are often most likely to suffer from certain mental illnesses. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) … Read more

Alcohol Abuse and Pregnancy

The placenta that connects a mother with her gestating baby is remarkably permeable, meaning that almost everything a woman puts into her body moves directly into the body of the fetus. As a result, most doctors warn their patients to limit their exposure to any kind of dangerous substance, including alcohol. Even so, the U.S. Centers … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – Experiences During Deployment and Health of the Reserve Members

The Health Behavior and Behavior Survey (HRBS) is the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) primary survey of the health, health behaviors and well-being of military personnel. The HRBS, which has been conducted regularly for more than 30 years, covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands of military life. … Read more

Want to Suggest Treatment to a Loved One? Read This First

Society’s self-imposed gag order on the subject of mental health means opening up to loved ones about one’s own struggles can often have a coming-out-of-the-closet feel to it. But what about the reverse? What happens when the one struggling isn’t you—it’s someone you care about? Suggesting that someone else seek help isn’t easy, with fears … Read more

Chapter 5 — Mood Disorders

Chapter 5 — Mood Disorders Definitions and Diagnoses The term mood describes a pervasive and sustained emotional state that may affect all aspects of an individual’s life and perceptions. Mood disorders are pathologically elevated or depressed disturbances of mood, and include full or partial episodes of depression or mania. A mood episode (for example, major depression) is a cluster of symptoms that occur … Read more

Observing the Signs of Depression

It’s estimated that about 6 percent of the general population suffers from chronic depression, a condition frequently called dysthymia (or dysthymic disorder). What’s upsetting is that many people may not even be aware they have it. Commonly chalked up to bad moods or pessimism, those suffering from chronic depression may just feel that a negative … Read more

Opinions from the Homefront

The way how young soldiers and their spouses cope with deployment The mental and emotional problems of U.S. soldiers deployed to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are well documented (see for example The Invisible Wounds of War). However, there is evidence that military families suffer as well, particularly from the stress of multiple and … Read more

Residential Rehab for Dual Diagnosis Patients

Treating patients with a Dual Diagnosis — a mental health condition combined with an addictive disorder — requires an intensive, integrated approach to therapy. Residential rehab facilities provide a structured environment for these individuals who face special challenges in their journey to recovery. At a residential treatment center, where the stressors and distractions of daily … Read more

Debunking Recovery Pseudoscience

Science or quackery? When it comes to addiction treatment programs, that question is intensely important. After all, people who get the treatment that they need for addiction have a great opportunity to get well, while those who don’t get the real assistance they need might be mired in addiction for a much longer period of … Read more

Dangers of Drug Overdose

When individuals consume more of a drug (whether the drug is lawfully prescribed to them or illicit) than their metabolism can effectively detoxify, the toxicity in their system can lead to an overdose. An overdose may be accidental or intentional, and anyone who uses drugs – lawfully or unlawfully – can be at risk. Although many … Read more

Detoxing from Prescription Drugs

If you have ever suffered from severe pain, ADHD, or anxiety, you can appreciate the necessity of prescription medications. Unfortunately, these drugs have a high incidence of abuse. Many are psychoactive, or mind-altering, and can lead to dependence or addiction. People are often under the false impression that since these drugs came from a doctor … Read more

What Are the Physical Effects of Cocaine Use?

Cocaine may be a recreational drug for many, but it is a highly potent substance that can trigger addiction, medical emergencies and a number of long-term health problems – some of which are fatal. The physical harm caused by chronic cocaine abuse can continue long after the cessation of use; almost no system in the … Read more

Medications for PTSD and Risk of Abuse

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that is usually caused by the experience of a traumatic or life-threatening event. For some, symptoms of PTSD can occur after being exposed to the results of a trauma or seeing a traumatic event threaten or harm someone (e.g., terrorist attack, physical or sexual assault, car accident, natural … Read more

Muscle Dysmorphia and Substance Abuse

A regular weightlifting routine can be remarkably healthy. Pumping iron can help to obliterate excess body fat, and using muscles to resist the force of gravity can help the bones to thicken and become resistant to breakage. Weightlifting can even help to produce a bit of a high, as muscles that are in use tend … Read more

Transmittable Diseases and Drug Use

The most dangerous side effect associated with drug abuse is addiction. This is a chronic, degenerative disease that can take away a person’s financial health, emotional security, mental health, and positive sense of self. In short, it’s a devastating disease. But people who abuse drugs can also develop an entirely different set of physical disorders. Common … Read more

Drug Abuse Where You Might Not Expect It: Older Americans Getting Drunk, High Too

You may not think of grandma or grandpa, or mom or dad, as being at risk for drug addiction or alcohol abuse. But it’s important to remember that members of today’s burgeoning senior population weren’t children of the subdued Depression Era, like their parents. Rather, many seniors now belong to the “live and let live” … Read more

Response to and Management of Anthrax Incidents of the Department of Defense

Between March 14 and 18, 2005, possible anthrax incidents occurred at three Department of Defense (DoD) postal facilities in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C.: the Pentagon’s Remote Delivery Facility (RDF), the TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) complex at Skyline Towers, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The Department of Defense responded to the events in collaboration … Read more

Popular Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines, or sedatives, are usually prescribed to treat anxiety disorders and sleep disorders. Though they are classified as Schedule IV drugs and therefore less likely to cause addiction in the user when taken as prescribed as compared to Schedule III or Schedule II substances, they are still addictive and those who abuse these drugs very … Read more

Hypochondriasis and Substance Abuse

In our health-conscious society, it’s easy to be preoccupied with physical and mental wellness. Pharmaceutical companies advertise on TV and on the Internet, new health magazines and blogs are published daily, and the media often focuses on the latest medical studies. But when a concern for your health takes over your life, you may become dangerously … Read more

Narcissism and Addiction

Almost everyone on the planet has at least a little bit of self-love. That’s the element that gives people confidence and magnetism, and it’s the sort of personality attribute that can make a person seem attractive or even powerful. But humility is also an important part of the psyche of a healthy adult, as it … Read more

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a medical disorder, one that destroys both the lives of the person living with the issue and the lives of those who love them. Mental health, physical health and emotional health all deteriorate when chronic alcohol abuse is an issue. Because the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) classifies alcohol … Read more

Managing Medications: Bipolar Disorder

Trying to sort through all the different medications available to treat bipolar disorder can be overwhelming. Here, we present a cheat sheet covering the most widely used medications, how they work, their side effects, and some anecdotes from a couple of bipolar patients who have years of experience with a variety of medications. Your doctor … Read more

Signs of Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed behavioral issues among young people in the United States today. Characterized by a general inability to accomplish tasks in most situations, this disorder can be frustrating for the patient and his or her family alike. In addition to the day-to-day issues that arise … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – The Active Component’s Mental and Emotional Health

The Health Behavior and Behavior Survey (HRBS) is the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) primary survey of the health, health behaviors and well-being of military personnel. The HRBS, which has been conducted regularly for more than 30 years, covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands of military life. … Read more

Liba Capsules UK in Test – Current Experiences & Reviews UK 2024

Liba capsules in test

Liba capsules uk are supposed to make losing weight easier, at least that is the manufacturer’s goal. Advanced technology is supposed to make this possible. In fact, however, losing weight is a greater challenge for more and more people, as being overweight has both physical and mental effects. For this reason, we decided to look … Read more

How Do I Know If I Am Overmedicated?

Nearly half the United States population uses a prescription medication each month. Over 11 percent use 5 or more prescription drugs.1 When is enough enough, and when is it too much? To answer these questions, it’s important to learn more about overmedication, prescription drug addiction, and your health. What Is Overmedication? When you’re overmedicated, you’re … Read more

Managing Medications: ADHD/ADD

Trying to sort through all the different medications available to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can seem overwhelming. To help with that, we’ve compiled this short guide that covers some of the most widely used medications, how they work, their side effects, and some first-person accounts from patients who’ve used the medications. Remember, side effects … Read more

Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)

There are a number of different therapies to treat the spectrum of conditions that fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. A common method of treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, where a trained therapist can help you identify and understand how to manage the factors that lead to an anxiety attack. One such way of doing this … Read more

Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher in Test – Experiences & Reviews 2024

Gundry MD Dark Spot Diminisher in test

Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned heart surgeon, has developed the Gundry MD™ Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher, which is an effective solution for reducing the appearance of skin discoloration caused by excessive sun exposure. Although summer brings many benefits to our health, such as increased Vitamin D, it also exposes our skin to a higher risk … Read more

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Irritation, annoyance, anxiety, happiness and joy are all part of life’s emotional landscape. Moving from one feeling to another isn’t easy, but often, people experience only a tiny blip in emotion. They might feel mildly happy one moment and then mildly irritated the next, so shifting is relatively easy. There are some people, however, who … Read more

Equine Therapy Treatment

Equine-assisted therapy is an innovative treatment model utilized in addiction treatment. Through work with horses, individuals can gain greater insight into other areas of life. Interestingly, many people experience gains in equine therapy that they aren’t able to achieve in traditional talk therapy. Specifics of Equine Therapy Monty Roberts, bestselling author of The Man Who Listens … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – General Sexual Health and Sexual Orientation of Reservists

The Health Behavior and Behavior Survey (HRBS) is the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) primary survey of the health, health behaviors and well-being of military personnel. The HRBS, which has been conducted regularly for more than 30 years, covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands of military life. … Read more

Medications for Substance Abuse Treatment

Medication is not the focus for most patients who seek substance abuse treatment, but it can be a part of the initial stabilization process that occurs in early recovery during detox. Depending upon the drug of choice, different medications may be available and/ or appropriate for your loved one, but there are risks and considerations … Read more

Research Potential Causes of Gulf War Illness

Current RAND Policy Studies and Literature Reviews Veterans of the 1991 Gulf War have reported a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, some of which remain unexplained. In order to make every effort to understand and explain the illnesses, educate veterans and the public, and recommend changes in Department of Defense (DoD) policies and … Read more

Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin syndrome is unique among mental health disorders because it is one of the few that has a discernable cause: a negative drug reaction. It is a problem that is usually caused by taking two drugs designed to impact the level of serotonin. For example, combining triptans prescribed to treat migraines in addition to selective … Read more

Spotting the Signs of OCD and Addiction

The existence of both obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and a substance abuse problem in a single patient is a common occurrence. One study on the subject, published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, found that about 27 percent of their participants – all of whom were diagnosed with OCD – met the criteria for having a co-occurring substance … Read more

The Support of Military Caregivers – Options for action for Congress

There are currently 5.5 million men and women in the United States who assist a current or former employee with a disabling injury or illness. We call these men and women military caregivers. They are our country’s unsung heroes: their support keeps veterans out of institutions and helps them live longer and better lives. All … Read more

Treatment for Inhalant Abuse

A common indication of the pleasurable effect of an illicit drug is how quickly it reaches the brain. Inhalant drugs are abused because their toxic vapors administer a quick high. Vapors are quickly absorbed into the lungs, then through the bloodstream where they reach the brain and other organs. Inhalant abusers often target common household products for … Read more

How Long Should You Stay in Rehab?

Length of stay is often an issue that patients attempt to address at the beginning of addiction treatment. Unfortunately, it’s not a question that can always be accurately answered early on. Most patients start by signing up for a standard 30-day program and then adjust that as needed, according to how their personal timeline of growth … Read more

What to Bring to Rehab

It can be a process to prepare mentally and emotionally for entrance into a drug rehab program. A shift in perspective is often warranted as is opening oneself to the possibility of embracing new ideas and options with an open mind. One of the first steps in this process is packing up to go. The process … Read more

Can Private Providers Help Care For Veterans?

New York State Example The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is responsible for the government’s obligation to provide health care to U.S. veterans. However, not all veterans are eligible for VA care. In addition, veterans who are eligible for veterans’ care often rely on multiple sources, including veterans’ care paid for by the VA … Read more

‘Mental Health Days’ Are Real, and Corporate America Is Going to Accept That — or Not — at Their Own Peril

Even though the stigma surrounding mental illness has become the topic of national conversation, most people working in corporate America will admit the discussion hasn’t made it very far in the boardroom. If you disclose to your boss that you’re depressed and need some time off, even for one day, chances are you won’t be … Read more

Reintegration as a Citizen After Service

Support for Soldiers and Their Families in Civil Life Since 2001, an unprecedented number of National Guardsmen and Reservists have been deployed to key missions in foreign operations. More than 800,000 Reservists have been called to active duty since September 11, 2001. These increased requirements have resulted in an increasing number of recruits and reservists … Read more

Treatment Outcomes

Although understanding of the science of addiction is still evolving, there is a general consensus that addiction includes physical dependence (the body habituates to a drug) and mental dependence (drug-seeking behavior and taking the drugs despite knowing they are dangerous). Although different treatment programs may employ different methodologies, most include the following programs: Detox. In some … Read more

Expanded Capacity of a Transitional Living Facility

Contract Information Dates of Service: October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2001 Grantee Federal Identification Number: 5 H79 TI11571-03 (B&D ID #010) Project Name: Expanded Capacity of a Transitional Living Facility Principal Investigator: Pam Sylakowski Evaluator: Thomas W. Doub, Ph.D. Project Location: Foundations Associates; Nashville, Tennessee Michael Cartwright, Executive Director Project Purpose The intent of … Read more

The Matrix Model

The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides six definitions for the word “matrix,” including: “something from within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.” In this definition, a matrix is used as a sort of scaffolding, allowing something to take shape in a structured and controlled way. People with addictions may need a matrix like this, allowing them to … Read more

Mental Disorders Caused By Addiction

It’s a well-known fact that many people take drugs in order to alleviate or medicate symptoms of mental illness. They take euphoric drugs to ameliorate feelings of depression, for example, or they lean on alcohol to reduce symptoms of anxiety. It might not be a helpful technique, but it certainly does seem common. Drugs can do more … Read more

After 9/11 – New Trends for Health Care for Service Members With PTSD and TBI

Between 2002 and 2017, more than 200,000 active duty U.S. military personnel were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and nearly 300,000 with traumatic brain injury (TBI). These conditions became famous with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, where more than 3 million soldiers were deployed to support combat operations. The physical and psychological stress … Read more

U.S. Legislation on Mental Health

Perhaps the most well-known piece of mental health legislation has been the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA). This law made insurers offer no fewer benefits to an individual for mental health treatment than for physical health treatment. It did not require insurers to offer mental health coverage but it did … Read more

Treating Dual Diagnosis Patients

Individuals who have both a mental illness and an addiction to drugs or alcohol present a challenge for medical professionals. Treatment is complicated by the overlapping symptoms of the addiction and the mental illness. Complete recovery takes time and great care due to the delicate nature of the individual. Because these patients have a mental illness, … Read more

Risks of Non-Medically Assisted Tramadol Withdrawal

Tramadol, also known as Ultram or Ultracet, is a highly potent prescription painkiller prescribed to patients who struggle with ongoing pain. Unfortunately, even if the medication is taken exactly as prescribed, the patient can develop a physical dependence upon the drug. This is not the same thing as addiction, but it can cause withdrawal symptoms if the … Read more
