Chapter 4 — Linkages For Mental Health and AOD Treatment Overview
Conventional boundaries between single-focus agencies have impeded the clinical progress of patients who have psychiatric disorders and alcohol and other drug (AOD) use disorders (Baker, 1991; Schorske and Bedard, 1988).
The treatment of patients with dual disorders is a clinical challenge, as well as a systems challenge, requiring innovation and coordination. The goal of this chapter is to help State and local administrators consider strategies for linkages across systems in order to improve service delivery and treatment outcomes. Profiles of patients with dual disorders demonstrate that they are more or differently disabled and require more services than patients with a single disorder. They have higher rates of homelessness and legal and medical problems. They have more frequent and longer hospitalizations and higher acute care utilization rates. For example, among patients with schizophrenia, episodes of violence and suicide are twice as likely to occur among those who abuse street drugs as among those who do not.
Treatment and social needs of patients with dual disorders differ depending on the type and severity of the disorders. Patients with dual disorders are generally less able to navigate between, engage in, and remain engaged in treatment services. Focusing on linkages highlights the fact that treatment providers, rather than patients and their families, have the responsibility for coordinating diverse and often conflicting treatment services.
Treatment must be suited to patients’ personal needs and characteristics, linking services across several different systems of care. Instead of blaming patients for poor treatment outcomes as they fall through the cracks of separate service systems, patients can be empowered and better treated when given effective options.
Collaboration across multiple systems and philosophies of care is needed to treat patients with dual disorders effectively. The systems often affected include:
- Alcohol prevention and treatment services
- Drug prevention and treatment services
- Mental health treatment services
- Criminal justice systems
- Legal services
- Social and welfare services
- General health care services
- Child and adult protective services
- Vocational rehabilitation programs
- Housing agencies
- Agencies for homeless people
- Educational systems
- HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services.
For the treatment of patients with dual disorders, the primary systems involved are AOD and mental health treatment. Programs that focus on dual disorders operate in both the mental health and AOD systems. Staff and administrative initiative is required to collaborate across systems. At a minimum, both systems should be involved when developing initiatives to improve linkages. This TIP is focused on the linkages between these systems.
In order to work effectively together, AOD treatment providers and mental health professionals need to understand and respect the different historical and philosophical underpinnings of both systems. As explained in the third chapter, the systems developed separately. There are inherent stresses and strengths among medical, psychoanalytic, psychosocial, and self-help care orientations, as well as between AOD treatment and mental health treatment.
These differences have frequently been a source of conflict and have caused problems for some patients. For example, if a patient with a dual disorder is told by his psychiatrist that he needs psychotropic medication to treat his psychiatric disorder, but members of his self-help AA group tell him to give up all mood-altering drugs to recover from his AOD abuse, to whom does he listen?
Patients with dual disorders challenge the treatment systems. Their involvement in treatment can become an opportunity for providers to examine the philosophical and practical aspects of treatment.
Providers should acknowledge that no single field has all the answers and that a need exists to integrate treatment by building upon and adapting from experience. Clinicians who work with dual disorder patients must add to their existing clinical skills. The development of a dual disorders program is an evolutionary process that requires agreed-upon outcome measures and program evaluation.
Providers should review admission criteria. These criteria should be inclusive, not exclusionary. Admission and placement criteria should be based on behaviors and skills required to participate in and benefit from a program rather than based solely on diagnosis.
Providers should find creative ways to bridge the differing funding streams, target populations, legal and regulatory mandates, and professional backgrounds and expertise.
Providers should accept the responsibility to provide integrated treatment — not parallel or concurrent treatment efforts that require the patient to integrate and adapt to different and sometimes conflicting treatment models.
In spite of the historical and philosophical differences that have separated the fields, the consensus panel identified several shared treatment concepts that administrators can use to help move toward integration.
- Treatment should be provided in the least restrictive and most clinically appropriate setting within a continuum of care.
- Treatment should be individualized for each patient.
- The patient should be seen from a holistic, biopsychosocial perspective.
- Self-help and peer support are valuable in the recovery process.
- Families need education and support.
- Case management plays a key role in effective treatment.
- Multidisciplinary teams and approaches are necessary.
- Group education and group process are valuable elements of the treatment process.
- Ongoing support, relapse management, and prevention are necessary strategies.
- Understanding that relapse and recovery are processes, not single events, and that relapse is not synonymous with failure is essential.
- Cultural competence in programs and staff is required.
- Gender-specific approaches to treatment are necessary.
Areas of Primary Concern
To establish and maintain linkages among the various systems working with patients who have dual disorders, several primary administrative areas need to be examined.
It is beyond the scope of this document to provide detailed discussion of each area, but the following discussion of problems and solutions will help readers in their problem solving. The areas to be discussed in this chapter include:
- Policy and planning structures
- Funding and reimbursement
- Data collection and needs assessment
- Program development
- Screening, assessment, and referral
- Case management
- Staffing issues
- Training and staffing
- Linkages with social services agencies
- Linkages with the medical health care system
- Linkages with the criminal justice system.
Policy and Planning Structures
Often there is little or no communication or collaboration among various departments and levels of government that have separate administrative structures, constituencies, mandates, and target groups. There are also different Federal, State, and local planning cycles within the AOD use and mental health treatment systems.
The Federal Government requires two separate planning processes for programs receiving Federal funds: A State mental health plan and a State substance abuse plan. The federally mandated State planning processes required under the Public Health Service Act for mental health treatment and AOD abuse treatment are separate and have no requirements for coordination.
Amendments are needed to the Public Health Service Act to encourage coordinated long-term planning between the State mental health and AOD abuse treatment systems for patients with dual disorders.
The development and use of long-term structural mechanisms (such as coordinating bodies, task forces, memoranda of understanding, and letters of agreement) can help improve planning for and integration of services for patients who have dual disorders.
To accomplish this goal, States might create a joint planning mechanism — an officially organized planning group — that would: 1) have diverse composition, 2) carry out specific types of tasks, and 3) maintain specific foci.
1. The planning organization should have diverse composition.
- There should be dedicated policy-level staff from different agencies to work on the joint planning body.
- The planning group should be culturally competent and include a culturally diverse cross-section of the population.
- The planning group should include a significant percentage of direct recipients of the services.
- The planning group should include family members of patients.
- The planning group should include providers.
- The planning group should include academic representation from schools of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, and public health.
2. The planning group should accomplish the following tasks:
- The group should set yearly objectives that are practical and outcome oriented, and that can be tied to observable results on the service level.
- The group should examine existing licensing requirements and regulations that affect programs that treat patients who have dual disorders. The goal should be to make the programs compatible and to reduce duplication of licensing reviews where possible.
- The group should alert AOD and mental health programs that provide treatment for patients with dual disorders to existing Federal and State patient protection and confidentiality laws that may be applicable for both fields.
- The results, findings, and recommendations of the joint planning body should be formally structured to feed back into the system and ensure that the initiatives are implemented and maintained.
- The group should recommend model policies regarding dual disorders, and stimulate initiatives in program development and training.
- There should be collaboration with universities and colleges to develop and integrate coursework, field placements, and treatment research specific to patients with dual disorders.
- There should be a linkage with vocational rehabilitation and employment services.
3. The planning group should maintain the following foci:
- Define a needed array of services to address the needs of the full spectrum of patients with dual disorders.
- Encourage county and other joint or collaborative planning with similar objectives for treating patients with dual disorders.
- Encourage the use of funding and contracting mechanisms as incentives to ensure that services for patients with dual disorders are included.
- Ensure that competitive contract bids to operate treatment services specify services for patients with dual disorders.
- Award additional points to proposals for programs that address the needs of patients with dual disorders.
- Require that local and county program plans submitted for State funds address services for dually diagnosed patients as a special population.
- Promote training and staff development strategies to encourage acquisition of and recognition for skills in treating patients with dual disorders. The planning group should identify and disseminate information regarding the availability of Federal grants.
Funding and Reimbursement
Because of diminishing fiscal resources and competition among many interest groups for particular types of treatment, those who seek funds for the treatment of patients with dual disorders have an increasingly difficult task. In many areas, patients with dual disorders may not be recognized as a priority group for funding. No specific monies are set aside for patients with dual disorders under the block grants. The amount of funds that the Federal Government allocates to States for the AOD and mental health block grant programs changes from year to year and often includes mandated set-asides for specific groups (for example, needle users, women, etc.). Set-asides tend to be different for mental health and AOD abuse treatment and limit the amount available for special groups not specifically targeted.
States often do not take advantage of Federal monies that can be used for patients with dual disorders. It is difficult to identify Federal grants that can be used for dual disorders, since grants and announcements are scattered across many agencies such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), CSAT, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), to name a few.
Current reimbursement practices inhibit integration of services and effective treatment, and there are several problems related to reimbursement from both public and private third-party payers. These problems include the following:
- There are separate monies for AOD abuse and mental health treatment.
- The span of coverage limits the types of services that can be provided in each setting.
- Few standards exist that define minimum benefits for either AOD abuse or mental health services.
- Depending on the type of treatment program in which patients participate, the separation of AOD abuse services and mental health services often drives the: 1) primary diagnosis, 2) type of treatment, 3) level of treatment, and 4) level of reimbursement. This causes competition for benefits rather than cooperation.
- Benefit funding levels vary dramatically.
1. Facilitate the aggressive pursuit of Federal funds by the following actions:
- Assign an individual to search for Federal grant programs serving patients with dual disorders. This can be done at the State, local, and agency levels.
- A lead Federal agency should be identified to screen grants applicable to patients with dual disorders, and to encourage States to take advantage of potential Federal funding. (CSAT might be the lead agency.)
- At the State level, technical assistance should be provided to screen for and assist local agencies to pursue Federal mental health and AOD funding.
2. Facilitate the use of block grant funds for treating patients with dual disorders.
- Work to create joint funding of programs. For example, New Jersey’s Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and Mental Health cofunded a number of model programs for patients with dual disorders.
- Strive to share staff resources in programs, thus spreading out monies. For example, mental health staff can cofacilitate a dual disorders group in an AOD treatment program, and vice versa. Similarly, a mental health program can provide staff to monitor medications to avoid duplication of effort by the AOD treatment program.
- Coordinate the provision of services and the expenditure of funds within each block grant area.
- Encourage the allocation of more Federal dollars for block grants and set-asides that include treatment for dual disorders.
- There may be some innovative mechanisms other than set-asides to encourage use of block grant funds for patients with dual disorders.
3. Promote Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for treating patients with dual disorders.
- States should promote the development of RFPs specifying programs and services for patients with dual disorders.
- State grants might give extra points for demonstrating linkages among the systems.
4. Encourage initiatives within third-party reimbursement mechanisms to cover treatment for patients with dual disorders.
- Play an active role in keeping dual disorders a priority in health care reform efforts.
- Encourage providers and payers to more effectively communicate with each other.
- Encourage State-mandated benefit minimums that recognize that a more intense level of case management than usual is needed for treating patients with dual disorders.
- Educate third-party providers that treatment for patients with dual disorders may be not only more intense but also more lengthy.
- Consolidate and coordinate reimbursement rules for AOD abuse and mental health treatment.
- Negotiate with local health maintenance organizations and other providers of health and mental health services to contract services for patients with dual disorders.
- Encourage managed care companies to cover and facilitate treatment for dual disorders.
- Encourage States to establish standards for different levels of care and requirements for staffing. Encourage the development or adoption of criteria such as those developed by the American Society of Addiction Medicine with regard to dual disorder typologies, levels of care, and reimbursement. Reimbursement should be linked to the use of criteria.
Data Collection and Needs Assessment
Only limited treatment and research data are available, and those that are available are not in a standardized format. Existing data also tend to be general and not useful to local planners for developing a continuum of care. Data collection systems are mandated to be separate from each other. It is difficult to gather prevalence data on patients with dual disorders because many of them interact with several treatment agencies or systems, while others do not interact with any.
There are systemic disincentives to gathering data on patients with dual disorders. For example, Medicaid may cover a patient who makes a suicide attempt as a result of major depression, but may not cover a patient who makes a drug-induced suicide attempt.
At least on the State level, common identifiers in data collection should exist for both AOD abuse and mental health treatment systems. Research should be in a form that allows for evaluation of cost-effectiveness and outcome. Outcomes should be measured across several categories encompassing biopsychosocial issues. Examples might be 1) severity of AOD and psychiatric symptomatology, 2) housing, 3) service involvement and utilization, and 4) vocational involvement. Collaboration with local colleges and universities to conduct such research should be encouraged.
State planning bodies should encourage or require local needs and resource assessment and data collection. Local planners should collect data from various systems, examining and comparing data from different groups, programs, and locations. The State could gather all the data and compile them for use in improved planning and in evaluating outcomes.
Confidentiality laws must protect the patient, but also must allow for inclusion of anonymous case number data in pools to promote better assessment and treatment outcome studies.
There should be aggressive efforts to examine cost-effectiveness and outcomes of specific models of treatment services for patients with dual disorders. These research efforts can be incorporated into State and local initiatives, perhaps involving local colleges and universities.
Program Development
David W. Newton is a board certified pharmacist and also has been a board member for boards of examiners for the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy since 1983. His areas of expertise are primarily pharmaceuticals as well as cannabinoids. You can read an article about his expertise in CBD on the National Library of Medicine.