What’s the Cost of Rehab with Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance?

The first place that most patients and their families turn when they are ready to pay for treatment for drug and alcohol abuse or addiction is health insurance. The Affordable Care Act has determined that treatment services for addiction are among the 10 essential services that all health insurance policies should provide to patrons. For customers of … Read more

Bulimia and Alcoholism

Suffering from a dual diagnosis of bulimia and alcoholism is a growing problem among women in the United States. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that women with bulimia nervosa were more likely than their peers to have an alcohol use disorder of some kind despite the fact that binge drinking, … Read more

Mental Health Parity Act, Insurance and Rehab

It is a sad reality that mental health disorders are sometimes not taken as seriously as physical ailments. There has long been a stigma against recognizing mental health concerns as a legitimate form of distress, with Psychology Today explaining that people who are afflicted by such disorders often experience prejudice and discrimination from those who … Read more

Cocaine Anonymous

Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a network of self-help groups for addiction to cocaine, crack, and other stimulants. As a 12-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), members come together with the common goal of abstaining from substance use. Like other Anonymous groups, CA teaches that members should abstain from using all substances, not just the drug in question … Read more

Attending Your First Meeting: What to Expect

Support group meetings, especially 12-Step meetings, are exceedingly popular among those in recovery. Why? They offer a number of benefits including: Peer support Ongoing engagement with recovery Flexible schedule of meetings Different types of meetings Attending the first meeting, however, can be a fearsome experience for some. New people and a new situation – many … Read more

Antidepressant Addiction

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting 350 million people of all ages around the globe.The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that by the time they turn 18, 3.3 percent of adolescents will have a depressive disorder, and girls are more at risk than boys. Depression is characterized by … Read more

What Is Naltrexone?

Most experts agree that therapy is the key to dealing with an addiction, but sometimes it’s hard for people with addictions to handle the demands of therapy sessions. They may be so distracted by cravings that they can’t concentrate on the lessons in each class. Or, they may be unable to fight off cravings at … Read more

Factitious Disorder and Drug Abuse

Most of us go to great lengths to avoid getting sick. Illness takes such a toll on the mind and body that it’s hard to imagine why anyone would deliberately pretend to be unhealthy. But people with factitious disorder have a deep-seated need to be perceived as unwell. They visit multiple doctors, take handfuls of … Read more

Alcoholism Nature vs. Nurture

Families facing an addiction often become freelance detectives, inspecting the clues left behind by the substance abuse and trying to develop a narrative that encapsulates the problem. Often, families spend a significant amount of time wrestling with the concept of origin. Specifically, families often want to know if the problems they’re facing have their roots … Read more

Study Drugs (Adderall) and Stress

The target of prescription medications like Adderall is a serious mental illness known as attention deficient disorder (ADD). People with this particular mental illness feel sped up, distracted and unable to concentrate almost every single day of every single week. Not surprisingly, people who experience this face extra challenges as students. They may hop up … Read more

How to improve the Quality of Care

How does the VA outperform other systems in the delivery of patient care? In its 2001 report “Crossing the Quality Chasm,” the Institute of Medicine called for systematic reform to close the quality gap in U.S. healthcare. Recommended reforms included the development of a health information technology infrastructure, a performance monitoring system, and methods to … Read more

The Origins of Drugs

We hear so much about drugs – their negative effects, how much they cost, all the myriad and bizarre names they have – that sometimes, the most basic questions get lost in the shuffle. What are the origins of drugs? Where do they come from? Who is responsible for the many layers of production and … Read more

Becoming Addicted to Your Treatment Medication

Psychotherapeutic medication can be one of the most effective ways to treat the symptoms of a mental health disorder. Some of the drugs used to relieve anxiety, panic attacks, behavioral disorders and other conditions can cause physical or psychological dependence. But if you take the medication as part of a professional treatment program, the chances of becoming … Read more

Guide to Living With an Alcoholic

“When it’s good, it’s good. But when it’s bad…” If you’ve been living with an alcoholic for any length of time, you’re well acquainted with extreme moods swings. You love this person wholeheartedly, but you can’t stand their often-erratic behavior. You’ve tried everything to help them quit drinking, from dumping their stash to threatening to … Read more

Self-Harm and Addiction

A buildup of emotions like frustration, anger, self-loathing, depression and anxiety can cause someone to seek an outlet through self-mutilation. A common misconception is to lump suicidal behavior with this deliberate self-harm, sometimes referred to as DSH and other times as NSSI, non-suicidal self-injury. They are, however, not the same and should be considered separately. … Read more

A War Within…

U.S. Military Suicide Prevention The casualties of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are well known. But another cost has emerged: soldier stress, which can manifest itself in different ways. One of the most troubling manifestations is suicide, which has increased among U.S. soldiers over the past decade. In response, the U.S. Department of Defense … Read more

Options to Pay

It’s reported that approximately 26 percent of Americans have a mental health condition that is diagnosable by the DSM-IV. Unfortunately, an estimated 45 percent of those people go untreated as a result of the high costs of mental health care, according to the Washington Post. This is a startling statistic as so many need treatment for … Read more

Geography Obstacles

When choosing an addiction treatment program for a patient, particularly for a patient who has a co-occurring disorder such as depression or schizophrenia, it’s common for providers to limit their searches by geographic boundaries. By keeping care close to home, they can follow the progression of the treatment program, and presumably, they can stay involved in … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – Experiences and Health During Deployment

The Health Behavior Survey (HRBS) is a primary survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to learn about the health, health-related behaviors, and well-being of service members. The HRBS has been conducted periodically for more than 30 years and covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands … Read more

Claustrophobia and Addiction

A pounding heart, shortness of breath, tremors, dizziness, cold sweats, a choking sensation – these are the common symptoms of claustrophobia. The fear of small spaces may not have a rational basis, but for those who suffer from this condition, the physical and psychological responses to being trapped in a restrictive space are all too … Read more

Utilize Drug Testing to Spot Abuse

When fighting against a loved one’s abuse of drugs and alcohol, it’s important to take advantage of all resources at your disposal to swiftly guide your family member into a treatment program that will help them heal. Unfortunately, denial that there is a problem at all may be an obstacle to drug rehab, but drug testing … Read more

Hangover Anxiety

“The hangovers became worse … My family was starting to recognize that I had a severe drinking problem … I didn’t care because I was so numbed by alcohol …The hidden bottles, slurred speech, sleeping all day (passed out) and isolation was a common occurrence, and I was only 22-23 years old,” recalls Shawn A. in … Read more

Put Away the Guilt: Scientific Advances Offer Even More Explanation Why Addiction Is a Disease of the Brain, Not a Moral Failing

If you are loaded with guilt about your drug or alcohol addiction, please stop. Right this second. For starters — and most importantly, for an addict looking to recover — guilt and addiction do not mix. Feeling bad about your alcoholism and/or drug addiction usually only fuels it. Most addicts and alcoholics have been there. … Read more

Professional, Caring Addiction Interventions

In many cases, loved ones and those suffering from severe addiction and alcoholism may be unaware that they need treatment or they may be unwilling to accept help. Despite the best intentions of family and friends, there are occasions when professional intervention is necessary in order to stop the downward spiral of destruction that can be the … Read more

Treatment for Suboxone Abuse

Opiate abuse and addiction (including addiction to heroin and prescription painkillers) present complications when use is discontinued or if the familiar amount is reduced. For this reason, withdrawal symptoms are often treated and managed with other medications. A few years after its initial introduction in the US in 1947, methadone was adapted from its traditional use as … Read more

What Is Assertive Community Treatment?

When a person with a severe mental illness does not respond to traditional outpatient therapy, other approaches may be necessary in order to provide the best care. There are a variety of treatment options available to Dual Diagnosis patients but sometimes an individual needs all-around care that focuses on more than the illness and addiction. … Read more

Can Oxycodone Cause Anxiety?

Oxycodone is an opioid that is typically prescribed for the treatment of pain. Taking oxycodone according to a doctor’s instructions should only lead to minimal side effects, but even this comes with risks. Recreational or non-prescription use of oxycodone can lead to a number of serious physical and mental health issues including moderate to severe … Read more

Dual Diagnosis and Alcohol Abuse

Those individuals with a dual diagnosis can slip into any number of addictive behaviors; drugs, gambling, sex, etc. But few addictions are more prevalent in the dual diagnosis world than alcohol. For those suffering from mental issues such as bipolar disorder, depression or anxiety, alcohol can be used like a crutch to deal with the … Read more

Relapse and Recurrence

There is no cure for depression, thus there is always a concern among patients and their family members that there may be a recurrence of depression and/or a relapse if substance abuse is also an issue. It’s a viable concern, and it’s one that is often the focus of treatment. Dual Diagnosis rehab can provide patients … Read more

Health Coverage Opportunities for Retirees

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has traditionally provided health benefits to active and retired military personnel and their families. Active duty personnel who retire after 20 or more years of service are entitled to continue to receive medical benefits for themselves, their spouses, and dependent children through the military health care plan (TRICARE). However, … Read more

Relapse Prevention

In January, people all across the United States come up with long lists of tasks they’d like to accomplish in the coming year. They might vow to lose weight, exercise more, stick to a budget, or purchase more organic food. But when February comes around, many of these same people have relapsed to the behaviors … Read more

Improving the Practice of the Assessment of Research Portfolios

With the support of public and private organizations, extensive and often costly research is being conducted on a variety of topics, including health, education, and production practices. This may relate to basic science or be more applied. Determining whether research is producing tangible benefits is a complex problem. There can be a long period of … Read more

Personality Assessments

Of the variety of psychological tests available, personality assessments are some of the most valuable to researchers, clinicians and employers. They can be especially helpful in determining particular characteristics and traits about a person in order to better understand them. When one has insight into the personality of others with whom they are communicating, better discussions can … Read more

Fentanyl Addiction Risks

Something that’s powerful is typically thought to be something that’s also good. People think high-octane gas is a little better than standard gas. A baseball pitcher who can throw a ball at 90 mph is often held in higher esteem than someone who can only throw a 70 mph ball. And people who make $70k … Read more

Description of an Addiction Counseling Approach

Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health Delinda Mercer 1. OVERVIEW, DESCRIPTION, AND RATIONALE 1.1 General Description of Approach Addiction counseling addresses the symptoms of drug addiction and related areas of impaired functioning and the content and structure of the client’s ongoing recovery program. This model of addiction counseling is … Read more

Adventure Therapy

In education courses, new teachers learn that each student processes and remembers information differently. There are visual learners, audio learners, hands-on learners – the list goes on. The same is true for therapy – one singular approach doesn’t work for everyone. Some people, for example, are resistant to traditional group or individual counseling. The thought of … Read more

Chapter 3 — Mental Health And Addiction Treatment Systems: Philosophical and Treatment Approach Issues

Chapter 3 — Mental Health And Addiction Treatment Systems: Philosophical and Treatment Approach Issues Introduction For people with dual disorders, the attempt to obtain professional help can be bewildering and confusing. They may have problems arising within themselves as a result of their psychiatric and AOD use disorders as well as problems of external origin that … Read more

Why Do Some States Have Bigger Drug Problems Than Others?

Washington D.C. is home to both the nation’s capitol and the nation’s largest drug problem, but why? As the country’s drug epidemic continues to grow, a new analysis by personal finance site WalletHub determined the states with a higher prevalence than others. Vermont, Colorado, Delaware, Rhode Island and Oregon followed the District of Columbia on … Read more

Sleep Issues and Their Effect on Military Servicemembers

Findings of New Cross-Over Surveys As the United States withdraws troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and more soldiers return to civilian life, the military health care system must identify and manage the physical and psychological effects of war, which can persist long after deployment. Among military personnel, comorbidities are common and are associated with an … Read more

The Costs of Bipolar Treatment Services

This year, bipolar disorder will affect approximately 2.8 percent of the United States population, while up to 4.4% of all Americans have experienced bipolar disorder at some point in their lives.1 If you suspect this disorder in yourself or someone you love, you might be concerned about the costs of bipolar treatment. It’s true, the … Read more

Tourette Syndrome

(TS) is a disorder of the nervous system that causes involuntary and repetitive movements or vocalizations called tics. These tics can be hugely disruptive in the life of the patient, making it difficult to maintain relationships in some cases or take on certain types of employment or activities. A spectrum disorder, not all who are … Read more

Vocational Testing

Leaving a rehabilitation center can be a momentous occasion for an individual. Regardless of the reason for enrollment, an individual leaves a treatment program with newly acquired coping and management skills for mental health and/or substance abuse recovery. One aspect included in many treatment plans is vocational guidance. Someone leaving rehab may be without a … Read more

Psychological Trauma and Drug Addiction

Psychological trauma often occurs in those who have experienced significant damage to their psyche. This may take place because a patient has lived through a particularly stressful event or situation. This kind of trauma can occur any time a person is faced with stress that exceeds their ability to cope with the respective stress. Because … Read more

Outpatient Bipolar Disorder Treatment Centers

The best way to describe outpatient treatment is “flexible recovery.” Try as you might, life has a way of interfering with healing. Even when you know it’s for the best to stay the course, sometimes the demands of family, work or school can be too much. There’s no reason why your treatment should be interrupted … Read more

Stimulants and ADD/ADHD

People who have difficulty focusing on mundane tasks, following through on projects, or keeping still and quiet when it’s socially appropriate to do so may be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There are a number of different treatment options for these disorders, and medications very often play a … Read more

Art Therapy

In short, art therapy is using art and creative media as a way to help an individual recover and heal from mental illness, trauma, or substance abuse. For over 100 years, the field of art therapy has been found to be effective in helping individuals explore and express feelings and improve overall wellbeing. Through creating art and discovering … Read more

Health Risks of Heroin Abuse

Heroin is a street drug derived from the poppy plant. Highly addictive, this substance may be white or tan powder, or it may be a sticky, black tar-like substance. Some people snort the powder while others smoke the drug in a pipe; others dissolve heroin in water and inject the solution. All forms and all … Read more

Options for Free Rehab

There are some potential options for free drug rehabilitation services and fewer options that offer comprehensive drug rehab to patients in need of detox and addiction treatment. Free treatment services may be available through federal or state-funded organizations or nonprofits in some states. In some cases, the entire facility provides nothing but free or low-cost drug addiction … Read more

Common Mental Health Disorders in Young Adults

The life of a young adult is a like a rollercoaster that last for years. With emotional ups and downs and ins and outs, a young person can feel on the verge of something – anything – long after puberty sets in. Early adulthood is a period marked by changes and growth physically, mentally, and … Read more

Vicodin Abuse and Chronic Pain

People in chronic, unrelenting pain have lives that are hard for outsiders to even comprehend. Every little move they make may cause them burning, searing, grinding pain, and that discomfort stays with them at night, so they can’t get the rest they need in order to heal. They may not have the energy to make … Read more

5 Drug-Free Sleep Strategies

The human body restores and resets itself through sleep, and lack of it can affect our health and impair our ability to function well. Unfortunately, using prescription sleep medication on a regular basis can create its own problems. In addition to potential side effects, including dizziness, headaches, digestive disturbances and daytime drowsiness, people may also … Read more

Smart Drugs & Nootropics the Next Drugs of Abuse

As technology advances, making things like our phone “smarter,” the inevitable question is whether human brain function can also be improved through technology. Non-prescription nootropics are consumer-level supplements that promise to do just that – make us smarter. These supplements are sold in brick-and-mortar stores and online. According to vendors selling nootropics online, consumers use … Read more

How to Treat Pain Without Opioids

Chronic pain is one of the leading health issues in the nation, as it affects the quality of life of more than 100 million Americans — more than heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined.1 To combat this issue, more than 200 million opioid prescriptions are written in the US each year, according to the Centers for … Read more

Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder

Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder (RCBD) is defined by the experience of four or more extreme mood episodes within a year, according to a study published in the journal Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. These can include any combination of the following types of episodes: Manic Hypomanic Depressive Mixed While for some patients this can translate into multiple episodes … Read more

Determining future health care for veterans

Does VA have the necessary forecasting tools? In 1996, the responsibilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) expanded significantly. The Veterans Health Care Reform Act of 1996 transformed the delivery of health care to veterans from an episodic provider of hospital care for veterans to a comprehensive health care provider covering all the medical … Read more

Johnson Model of Intervention

Interventions are coordinated efforts among family members, friends and treatment professionals to get an addicted loved one into rehabilitation for substance abuse problems. Approximately 22.7 million people were addicted to an illicit substance in 2013, and only a mere 2.5 million of that number got any form of professional help, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health … Read more

The Evolution of Administering and Consuming Medicine

Human interactions and experimentation with drugs and medications reach back as far as our written history extends. As long as humans have existed as a species, illness, disease and pain have been there too. Ancient humans may have attributed these maladies as spiritual or godly intervention and may have viewed any attempts to heal others … Read more

Generalized Anxiety Disorder vs. PTSD

Determining the difference between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma disorders can be a challenge. Confusing this issue is the fact that PTSD and other anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), often co-occur. Learn the difference between the two so you can learn how to begin the healing process. Signs and Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety … Read more

Bipolar Disorder and Klonopin Abuse

It’s been thrown around in the media and used interchangeably as a nickname for people with erratic behavior, but what is bipolar disorder exactly? It starts in the brain where dysfunction occurs that impacts mood regulation, energy levels and motivation. Sufferers may feel extremely low at times and have no interest in leaving their home … Read more

Xanax Street Names

When you abuse a drug, it doesn’t matter what you call it. You are putting yourself at risk, but you are also in a great position to reach out for help and find health and recovery. If you misuse Xanax, you are misusing a powerful drug normally prescribed to treat anxiety, panic and stress disorders. You … Read more

Co-occurring Disorders Treatment

At one time, treatment for drug or alcohol addiction was considered to be separate from treatment for mental health disorders, and care was delivered at different facilities using radically different therapeutic approaches. As a result, many people who suffered from depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder or other serious psychiatric conditions never received treatment for their substance abuse. By the same … Read more


Autophobia is the fear of being alone or of loneliness. Solitude, even in a safe place like home, can cause extreme anxiety in those who struggle with the disorder. Even if it is clear that they are physically safe, patients still may fear: Strangers or intruders Being unloved or unwanted Developing an acute medical issue Unexpected or … Read more

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

Americans are fond of using labels to describe who they are and what’s important to them. As a result, when asked who he is, a man might respond that he’s a father, a golfer or an excellent barbeque chef. A woman might respond that she’s a mother, a knitter or a cat lover. These labels … Read more

Substance Abuse Among Those Suffering from Phobias

Phobias are a group of anxiety disorders characterized by an overwhelming fear of an event, action or thing that is often irrational in nature. In many cases, the fear is either of something that is highly unlikely to occur or of something that is largely innocuous. There is a wide range of specific phobias that … Read more

What Are the Risks of At-Home Detox?

When it is clear that drug use or alcohol abuse is a problem, the natural inclination is to assume that the best way to address the issue is simply to stop using all substances. This impulse is correct; abstinence is the best policy in the face of addiction. However, it is far easier said than … Read more

Paying for Residential Programs

Residential drug rehab, or inpatient addiction treatment, can be pricey. Combining medical care, psychotherapeutic treatment and support, and room and board often adds up to a significant bill. Many families are worried about their choices: opt for the comprehensive care that improves the odds of long-term recovery and pay the hefty bill, or pay less … Read more

Treatment Options for Poly-Drug Abuse

As the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) discusses, treatment for drug abuse (singular or poly-abuse) involves a complex interaction of an individual’s biology and behavior. The goals of treatment are always to achieve abstinence from drugs, maintain that abstinence, and help recovering substance abusers to be a functioning member of their family, work or … Read more

Are There Medications to Stop Addiction?

Drug and alcohol treatment has traditionally primarily followed the 12-Step model of complete abstinence in order to maintain a successful recovery from a substance abuse disorder. Relapse rates can be high at around 40-60 percent, mirroring those of other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, and hypertension, as reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). … Read more

What is Primary Codependence?

Codependence is a social and emotional concern characterized by a need to take care of others. People who are codependent feel obligated to fix other people’s problems, and they rely upon playing that role. Codependency often creates unhealthy relationships that hurt patients’ feelings: as a caretaker, the codependent person sacrifices for someone else, only to have … Read more

Dual Recovery Self-Help Support (Part Two)

Dual Recovery Movement In recent years several new dual recovery twelve-step fellowships have been established. Currently, the fellowships continue to grow and are gaining wider national recognition. Today, meetings are held in both community and agency settings in the United States, Canada and abroad. The purpose of this series is to provide information that may help … Read more

Drug Policy in America

America’s drug policy incorporates federal laws that regulate the trade, distribution and use of illicit substances. Drug policy covers everything from the classification of drugs and which are illegal to legal punishment for drug activity and treatment and rehabilitative services. Federal drug policy is also involved in the development of campaigns for awareness, and the inhibition … Read more

A Vouchers Approach to Addiction Treatment

The rewards of a sober lifestyle are many and might include improved physical health, enhanced relationships and a better economic outlook. In fact, people who are sober after years of addiction often report that their lives are happier now than they ever were when drugs played a role,and they might claim that they’ll never be tempted … Read more

Approaches to Pain Management

Pain can come in many forms, for many reasons. For some, when they hear the word pain, they think of emotional pain. The loss of a parent, child or even a close friend can bring with it the emotional pain of the grieving process. For others, a more clinical picture comes to mind. Perhaps they … Read more

Appendix A — Bibliography

Africa, B., and Schwartz, S.R. Schizophrenic disorders. In: Goldman, H.H., ed. Review of General Psychiatry, Third Edition. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 1992. pp. 226-241. American Psychiatric Association.Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1987. American Psychiatric Association.DSM-IV Draft Criteria, 3/1/93. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1993. … Read more

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) is one of a number of diagnostic tools that may be useful in helping to evaluate patients effectively when depression is an issue. Depression is not only a spectrum disorder but also a symptom caused by other mental health issues. Therefore, effective treatment starts with a thorough understanding of … Read more

Marijuana Maintenance: Why It Doesn’t Work

People attempting to achieve sobriety might do all sorts of unusual things to beat back their addictions. They might swear that cinnamon toothpaste helps to block a craving for alcohol, for example, or they might insist that doing handstands at least once per day can redirect blood flow in such a way that a need for … Read more

Treatment for Methadone Abuse

Methadone is well known in the mainstream as a treatment for opioid addiction (such as addiction to heroin) or a treatment for severe pain. Its origins go back to Germany, during World War II, when this opioid was created to serve as a long-acting pain reliever for surgeries and cancer treatment. After 1950, methadone was used … Read more

Technicians for Behavioral Health – Enhancing the Reach of Behavioral Health Care in the Military

Behavioral health technicians are military personnel who work alongside licensed mental health providers such as psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists and social workers. They are caregivers who help the military health system (MHS) streamline and improve the delivery of behavioral health care. BHTs perform a wide range of duties in garrison and operational settings, including clinical … Read more

Lower Costs, Better Performance

A New Strategy for Supporting Combat Hospitals The U.S. Army uses CSHs – mobile hospitals built in tents and extendable containers – to provide surgical and trauma care close to the battlefield. The CSH unit includes a 248-bed hospital, about 500 personnel and $26 million worth of medical equipment. There are 26 CSH units in … Read more

Isolation and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a very serious mental condition that causes a person to move between times of deep depression and brief periods of mania. Previously known as manic-depression, this condition affects millions of people of all ages, ethnicities and walks of life. If left untreated, bipolar disorder can lead to a wide range of painful and … Read more

Health Related Behavior Study 2018 – Health Care and Disease Prevention of the Active Servicemen

The Health Behavior Survey (HRBS) is a primary survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to learn about the health, health-related behaviors, and well-being of service members. The HRBS has been conducted periodically for more than 30 years and covers areas that may affect military readiness or the ability to meet the demands … Read more

Explaining the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

People who are struggling with mental health might be quite capable of describing their symptoms. They might be able to describe how they’re feeling using metaphors, stories or examples, and they might be quite capable of describing how they felt before the troubles began and how things seem different now. But they might not be able … Read more

Sarah Elizabeth Fulkman McNaughton – Military Spouse

The wife of John Theodore McNaughton, she was born on February 12, 1921 and was killed with him and their youngest son, Theodore, in a commercial air crash in North Carolina on July 19, 1967. She is buried with them in Arlington National Cemetery. MCNAUGHTON, SALLY (WIFE OF) MCNAUGHTON, JOHN THEODORE DATE OF DEATH: 07/19/1967 BURIED AT: … Read more

Better Medical and Dental “Willingness” for Reserve Components

Reservists are an integral part of the U.S. military and are constantly called upon to support operations around the world. Since September 2001, more than 800,000 reservists have been voluntarily and voluntarily called to active federal duty. Reservists in each unit are responsible for ensuring that reservists are not only properly equipped and trained, but … Read more

Traveling for Treatment

Addiction treatment facilities aren’t hard to find. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are more than 14,500 facilities in the United States that specialize in providing help for people with addictions to drugs, alcohol, or both. That means it’s likely that people who have addictions can find the help they need … Read more

The Effects of Compulsive Overeating

Often referred to as binge eating, compulsive overeating is an addiction to food that helps meet any of the following needs: To hide from emotions To fill an emotional void To cope with daily stresses and problems While compulsive overeating may relieve some problems, it is often short lived and never deals with the core … Read more

The Danger of Compromised Confidentiality in Military

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of effective mental health care. Few physicians and patients dispute this. Our patients’ problems are very personal and private. Wherever we practice medicine in mental health clinics, our practices are filled with pain points in which protracted wars are waged against enormous personal problems. In civil law, the rules of confidentiality … Read more

James F. Record – Lieutenant General, United States Air Force

Courtesy of the United States Air Force: LIEUTENANT GENERAL JAMES F. RECORD Retired February 1, 1997.  Died December 22, 2009. Lieutenant General James F. Record was commander, 12th Air Force and U.S. Southern Command Air Forces, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. The command is comprised of eight active-duty wings in the Western and Midwestern United … Read more

Schizophrenia and Xanax Use

People who struggle with schizophrenia often end up battling substance use disorders after trying to self-medicate the complicated symptoms that they live with on a daily basis. In some cases, schizophrenia and Xanax abuse go hand-in-hand. Xanax is a powerful benzodiazepine drug that is prescribed to treat anxiety and some seizure disorders. This drug is addictive and … Read more

Drugs Commonly Abused by College Students

Going away to college is often the first time young adults are away from home for any stretch of time. Students are keen to fit in, prove themselves, and often overjoyed with their newfound freedom. These freedoms are often taken too far, however, as college campuses tend toward a higher frequency of partying and illegal … Read more

John Charles Waterman – Colonel, United States Army

John Charles Waterman of Michigan Appointed from Michigan, Cadet, United States Military Academy, 1 September 1877 Second Lieutenant, 7th Cavalry, 11 June 1881 First Lieutenant, 2nd Calvary, 20 February 1891 Captain, 7th Cavalry, 2 March 1899 Apparently ended his career as Colonel, 7th Cavalry WATERMAN, JOHN CHARLES COL U S ARMY RET DATE OF DEATH: … Read more

Adjustment Disorder

Life is always changing and it is natural for use to go through an adjustment period following any kind of stressful event. People who are experiencing a significant change in their work, personal life, or education will need time to make the adjustment in a healthy way that works for them. However, if a person … Read more

What We Do Not Know and What We Know of Military Families

Today’s soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and Coast Guardsmen face unprecedented stresses, including repeated and prolonged deployments to hostile environments, far from home and far from friends and family. The media, journalists, politicians, military leaders and, perhaps most importantly for readers of the NCFR report, genealogists have reported on these stresses. Family researchers-including social workers, psychologists, … Read more

What Is Ketamine?

Also known as Special K and Vitamin K, Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic drug. Primarily used in veterinary medicine today, ketamine was used for surgical procedures and to treat pain in humans in recent decades. While is does provide pain relief, it doesn’t work in the same way that most analgesics do — by shutting … Read more

Outpatient Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines (benzos) are a class of drugs that are used to treat anxiety, and in some cases, seizures and convulsions. When introduced in the 1960s, benzodiazepines were hailed as a safe substitute for barbiturates, which, at the time, were claiming an alarming number of lives. Unfortunately, while benzodiazepines were safer for use than their predecessors, … Read more

What Obamacare Means for the Future of Mental Health

Much attention has been paid to the possible effects that the Affordable Care Act will have on health insurance and access to treatment, especially access to mental health treatment for those who previously may have been unable to afford therapeutic care. Though no one can say for sure how everything will shake out in the end, what … Read more

Percocet Side Effects

Percocet is typically prescribed for conditions that can cause a moderate amount of pain. Broken teeth, torn muscles and bone bruises might all heal with the help of the painkillers and opioids inside each dose of Percocet. But oxycodone, the opioid inside Percocet, can also spark an addiction, and that process can happen quickly. In a … Read more


Similar to social anxiety or social phobia, anthropophobia is the fear of people. Unlike social anxiety, however, which often relates to feeling uncomfortable in crowds or a group context, anthropophobia symptoms can occur when the patient is in the presence of a single person. In some cases, the phobia of interacting personally with others can be … Read more
