Heroin Detox

Heroin, an opioid drug derived from the opium poppy plant, is a highly addictive illicit drug. Classified as a Schedule I drug by the DEA, heroin is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no governmentally accepted medicinal properties. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 23 percent of people who use heroin develop an addiction to the drug.

Heroin changes the way the brain functions by binding to opioid receptors in both the brain and body. Heroin creates a feeling of euphoria and blocks feelings of pain, as well as slowing down some of the autonomic body functions like breathing and blood pressure. Heroin is a central nervous system depressant, and the death rate is increasing, with heroin-related deaths doubling in the two years between 2010 and 2012, according to WebMD. Heroin addiction does not have to be a life sentence, however.

Detox Health Risks

The process of purging drugs from the body is called detox. While not usually life-threatening, heroin withdrawal symptoms can be tough to handle without professional help. They are often flu-like symptoms but much stronger.

Chronic use of heroin can lead to tolerance of the drug. This means that it will take more of the drug each time to create the same desired effect. Over time, a physical and emotional dependence can manifest. After a tolerance is established, withdrawal symptoms can even start before the heroin is completely out of your system. These symptoms include:

  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Sweating
  • Goose bumps
  • Cold flashes

Withdrawal symptoms can start as early as a few hours after the last dose of heroin and usually peak in a few days.

While there is no specific timeline, and the detox process can vary from person to person depending on the amount of heroin taken and the severity of the dependence, withdrawal symptoms typically last around a week. During withdrawal, cravings can be very intense, and in order to prevent a return to drug abuse, close monitoring is recommended. Symptoms may also require medical treatment at times. For example, vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration or even aspiration of vomit into the lungs. Around-the-clock medical supervision in a secure environment like a detox facility greatly enhances the chance of success and patient safety.

After Detox

Detox is not a cure for addiction, but rather the initial step in a rehabilitation or recovery program. In order to break the vicious cycle of addiction and remain free from drugs, group counseling and individual therapy are necessary tools. Chronic abusers of heroin can experience a suppressed pleasure center in the brain, which can lead to depression. Heroin users are 14 times more likely to successfully commit suicide than their non-using peers, as published by Addiction.

Mental health disorders often co-occur with substance abuse disorders. Both issues can be complex disorders that are often intertwined requiring specialized, simultaneous care. Heroin addicts often report feelings of hopelessness during rehab. Addiction counseling and psychotherapy cognizant of the specific difficulties a heroin addict faces are key components of dual diagnosis treatment. Rehab in a dual diagnosis treatment program focuses on treating both the physical addiction as well as restoring emotional balance.

Foundations Recovery Network professionals are uniquely qualified to offer dual diagnosis treatment in a safe and secure environment. Treatment in dual diagnosis rehab often includes behavioral therapies to modify negative thought and behavior patterns as well as pharmaceutical options, when necessary, to help maintain sobriety and make withdrawal as painless as possible. Alternative therapies to promote emotional and physical well-being include a nutritious diet and exercise plan as well as other holistic methods like yoga and massage to help balance mood. Social and family support groups are encouraged and can be important for long-term success.

Each person is unique and requires a comprehensive evaluation to discover which form of treatment will be best suited for them. Qualified admission counselors are standing by and can answer any further questions that you may have. Hope is only a phone call away.

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