Treatment for Inhalant Abuse

A common indication of the pleasurable effect of an illicit drug is how quickly it reaches the brain. Inhalant drugs are abused because their toxic vapors administer a quick high. Vapors are quickly absorbed into the lungs, then through the bloodstream where they reach the brain and other organs.

Inhalant abusers often target common household products for their intoxicating effects, including:

  • Shoe polish
  • Paint solvents
  • Correction fluid
  • Lighter fluid
  • Nail polish remover

In addition, whippets are a popular inhalant. Like other inhalants, they have a non-drug-related use but are sometimes repurposed to give the user a high or psychoactive effect. Whippets are steel cylinders containing nitrous oxide, a chemical that dentists use before administering a Novocain injection or performing dental procedures.

Getting Treatment for Inhalant Abuse

Compared to other abused substances, inhalants are unique in that they seldom cause a physical dependence. An essential component of treatment for inhalant abuse is to limit the user’s access to inhalants initially, which can be difficult as these products are readily available. For this reason, an inpatient treatment program may be a good option.

Psychological dependence on inhalants is treatable through behavioral therapy such as individual counseling, family counseling, and group therapy. Counseling can guide inhalant abusers to an awareness of the underlying causes of the abuse and educate them on the many dangers associated with this activity.

At FRN, we are committed to providing each of our clients with specialized recovery services tailored to their individual needs. Whether inhalant abuse is occurring on its own, or in combination with another mental health issue in a dual diagnosis situation, our experts can help you find a recovery plan that is tailored to your situation. Call us to learn more.

Further Reading About Treatment for Inhalant Abuse

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