Images of Arlingon National Cemetry 10

blassieFirst Lieutenant Joseph Michael Blassie, United States Air Force
Believed By Many To Be The Vietnam Unknown.
Testing Being Conducted Via DNA Will Help To Resolve The Mystery.

Major General Montgomery Cunningham Meigs. He confiscated the Lee family home for use as a military cemetery. He and his family lie buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing. He and his grandson
lie side-by-side in Section 34 of Arlington National Cemetery.

Major General John Rawlins. He was U.S. Grant’s Chief-of-Staff
throughout the Civil War and later served as Secretary of War
in the Grant Administration. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

William Howard Taft. The only man in American history to serve both as
President and then as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he is one of only two
U.S. Presidents buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The Official Crest Of The Untied States Third Infantry, “The Old Guard.”

United States Army Honor Guard Badge. Worn by the soldiers of the Third United
States Infantry who have passed a rigourous set of tests. Once earned, it may be
worn on the uniform for the remainder of the soldier’s career, regardless of assignment.

The Honor Guard Patch worn by members of the Third United States
Infantry, “The Old Guard,” who are assigned to the Tomb of the Unknowns.

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