World War II heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they fought for us to be free.
Now it’s time to remember them for what they did for you and me.
It wasn’t all that long ago when Hitler & Tojo came knocking at our door.
If it weren’t for WWII heroes we’d still be fighting that same old war.

WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they gave their lives for you and me.
WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they fought for us to be free.
Freedom reigns in our land but it could have been different don’t you see.

For Hitler and Tojo had some other plans a New Order so to speak.
But WWII heroes said wait just one minute that’s not how it’s going to be.
They showed Hitler and Tojo how men will fight to be free.

WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they gave their lives for you and me.
WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they fought for us to be free.
In our land there are many monuments for those who fought against tyranny.
But somehow we have forgotten the heroes who won that WWII victory.
They gave there lives in far off places so where’s there monument to victory.

Their victory should be etched in granite for the entire world to see.
WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they gave their lives for you and me.
WWII Heroes shouldn’t be forgotten they fought for us to be free.
Those battles that they fought can never be forgotten that is why we are free.

We need to always be vigilant so the sacrifices they made were not in vain.
So let us thank our WWII Heroes with a national monument to their victory.
And let us all take a solemn oath that we will cherish forever there memory.


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