Chin Sun Pak Wells – Specialist, United States Army


Chin Sun Pak Wells
Attack Location: Pentagon
Age: 24
Home: Oklahoma


Chin Sun Pak Wells, 25, enlisted in the Army in December 1997. The Oklahoma
native, who was living in Woodbridge, Virginia, at the time of the attack, went through
basic training and advanced individual training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, before
she was shipped to 8th Army headquarters in Korea.

Wells, who achieved the rank of specialist, served her final posting working for the Army’s deputy chief of staff for personnel at the Pentagon.

Specialist Chin Sun Pak Wells, 25, from Lawton, Oklahoma, was a Personnel Specialist assigned to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. She served in The Army for four years and is survived by her parents.

Two days before Christmas in 1997, Specialist Chin Sun Pak,25,of Lawton,Oklahoma, marched into an Army office and enlisted into the life of being a soldier. She had served four years of duty before being killed September 11, 2001, by a terrorist-hijacked plane that crashed into the northwestern wedge of the Pentagon. She had been assigned to the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. Pak had received the Joint Service Achievement Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and Army Good Conduct Medal.

With his two-year-old son Clayton, Chin Sok Wells wipes tears from his eyes as he kneels at the grave of his sister, U.S. Army Specialist Chin Sun Pak, during a wreath laying ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks at Arlington National Cemetery on September 11, 2004.



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