Leon Nelson Blair – Rear Admiral, United States Navy


The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Leon Nelson Blair (0-57935), Captain, U.S. Navy, for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service in the line of his profession as Commander of a Coordinated Attack Group of Submarines (Submarine Division 44), operating in waters west of the Marianas Islands and in the China Sea, south of Formosa, during the period from 16 May 1944 to 1 July 1944.

By his outstanding administrative ability and knowledge of submarine warfare, and as a result of many material contributions and efficient handling of this attack group, the submarines under his command sank eight enemy ships totaling 63,200 tons and damaged two others totaling 11,900 tons.

Much of the credit for these submarines’ aggressiveness and successful attacks, in spite of severe enemy counter-measures, was largely due to his efficient administration and inspiring leadership in coordinating these submarines into an efficient attack force.

Commander Blair’s conduct was at all times in keeping with the highest traditions of the Naval Service.

Commander In Chief, Pacific Fleet: Serial 04577 (September 3, 1944)


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