Jacob Mercer – Private, United States Army

(Webmaster notes: Search records indiate that he was born in 1837 in Blacksville, Monongalia County, Virginia, the son of William Mercer (born 1788 at Front Royal, Warren County, Virginia, died 30 March 1870) and Margaret Metz (born 1798 in Greene County, Pennsylvania, and died in January 1883).  William and Margaret were married at Greene County, Pennsylvania, in June 1815). Jacob was married to Lucinda Gump (born on 20 December 1844 at Friendly, Tyler County, Virginia) at Tyler County, Virginia, on 11 December 1859. It was also reported that she died on 31 December 1927 and was buried at the Mercer Cemetery in Wolf Pen, Tyler County, West Virginia. They had one child, William Edward Mercer, born 7 January 1861 at Lone Tree, Tyler County, Virginia, and died in 1943, being buried at Mercer Cemetery, Wolf Pen, Tyler County, West Virginia.

Regiment Name 7 West Virginia Infantry
Side Union
Company  K, C
Soldier’s Rank In  Pvt
Soldier’s Rank Out Pvt

The Regiment crossed the James River on June 14th and took part in the unsuccessful attacks on Petersburg, Virginia. From June, 1864, until April, 1865, nine long months, the soldiers took part in the siege of Petersburg. During this period, the troops took part in several battles and engagements. The prime purpose of all this activity was to stretch the enemy’s lines to the breaking point and to cut off the railroads supplying Petersburg and Richmond.

From Kathleen Mercer: November 2008

This is all I Know: Mustered in January 4, 1864. Company C 7th Regiment West Virginia Volunteers at Stevensburgh, Virginia, age 26.  Described as having grey eyes, fair complexion, 5’8″. Born 1837 West Virginia Monongalia County, Virginia, Tyler County, as far as I know.

This is a letter written by my great-great uncle, Jacob Mercer:

[Camp near Petersburg, Va. June 19th, 1864]

Dear brother, I take my pen in hand to inform you I received yours of the 12th this evening. Was glad to hear from you. I am well. Truly hope this may find you enjoying good health. You said you had not got a letter from me for some time. I have written two letters to you. You stated Elias had been in two fights and come out safe. We have been in one for the last forty five days and nights. I am still safe. We are now within five hundred yards of the rebs works. We are also in works. We still keep up continual firing both day and night. We are within one mile of Petersburg, Va. and old Bob Lee is in the town. Our men have taken eight or nine forts from the rebs. Three lines of works. Very heavy works.

I shall now tell you the loss of our company. Since May 3rd we have lost 32 killed and wounded. 9 of our company taken prisoner. Which makes 41 out of 60. The regiment has lost over two hundred killed and wounded since May 3rd. Tell Henry Metz’s father and mother that he is either killed or taken prisoner on the 16th. It was after night when we was charging. Some of the boys we know was taken. It is supposed Henry was taken. Reuben A. Martin was wounded yesterday in the arm while lighting his pipe.

I shall soon have to close. Hoping to hear from you soon. Tell father and mother I am well. I will write as often as I can. You do the same. Have that land run off soon as you can, if you haven’t got it done. Give the title bond up to my wife. Let her keep it..This from your brother Jacob Mercer to William Mercer.

[Written down the side of the letter is this postscript]

Dear brother, since I wrote this letter I have been wounded in the right arm. My arm is broken. I think I will get along all right. Hope so, at least. I wrote this yesterday evening. This morning the 20th I am wounded and gone to the hospital. I don’t know where I will be when I write again. Written by Sgt. J. R. Goodwin after Jake was taken to the hospital.

Jacob Mercer did not get along alright. He died from his wounds on August 11, 1864 at Campbell Hospital, Washington D.C. He is interred at Arlington Cemetary, Virginia, in section 13, grave 7446.

Mustered in Jan. 4, 1864. Company C 7th Regiment West Va. Volunteers at Stevensburgh, Va. age 26.  Described as having grey eyes, fair complexion, 5’8″.

Born 1837 West Virginia Monongalia Co., Va. or Tyler Co. as far as I know.



  • DATE OF DEATH: 10/11/1864





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