Robert Francis Kennedy: 34th Anniversary of his assassination

Members of the Kennedy family visit the gravesite on 6 June 2002 in order to commerate the death of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  Senator Kennedy was killed by an assassin on 6 June 1968 while campaigning for the Presidency in Los Angeles, California.


Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Ma) (C) wipes his cheek as he  is accompanied by his wife Vicky Kennedy (R) and Father Gerald Creedon while visiting the gravesite of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, at Arlington National Cemetery near  Washington, June 6, 2002. Robert F. Kennedy was shot thirty four years ago today, while campaigning for president.


Ethel Kennedy, widow of slain Senator Robert F. Kennedy, places flowers at his gravesite, accompanied by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Ma) (R) and his wife Vicky Kennedy (L), and Father Gerald Creedon, at Arlington National Cemetery near
Washington, June 6, 2002. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed thirty four years ago today, while campaigning for president.

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