When visiting Arlington National Cemetery,
please remember that it is not only hallowed
ground in which rest generations of American
heroes but that it is also an active cemetery.
Please conduct yourself accordingly.
This is not a picnic area nor a playground.
Enjoy your visit, but please be considerate
of the cemetery itself, other visitors and family members who
may be either visiting a gravesite or attending the funeral of a loved one.
Click Here For A Map Of Arlington National Cemetery
Cemetery Hours:
April 1 to September 30 = 8 AM to 7 PM
October 1 to March 31 = 8 AM to 5 PM
Visiting By Automobile:
The cemetery is located on the Virginia side of the Potomac River, just across the Memorial Bridge from Washington, D.C. The Memorial Bridge is located at the base of the Lincoln Memorial and near both the White House and the Washington Monument.
Private automobiles are not permitted in the cemetery except by special permission. An automobile pass may be requested at the Visitor Center if you are visiting the gravesite of a relative. Ample parking is available at a reasonable cost just adjacent to the Visitor Center.
When driving to Arlington, you may access travel maps at the following link. Once you enter Yahoo, select “Maps” and then “Driving Directions.” Then enter your origin point and in destination enter the Arlington National Cemetery zip code, 22211.
By Metro Train:
There is a Metro stop located just across Memorial Drive from the Visitor Center entrance to the cemetery.
Changing of the Guard At the Tomb of the Unknowns:
Changing of the guard ceremonies are conducted at the Tomb of the Unknowns by members of the Third United States Infantry (The Old Guard) as indicated below:
April 1 to September 30: The guard is changed every thirty minutes.
October 1 to March 31: The guard is changed every hour, on the hour
It is also possible to schedule a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns. This is a solemn and beautiful ceremony and one that is also very popular. Therefore it is suggested that arrangements be made well in advance of your visit to the cemetery. For more information write to:
Public Wreath Ceremonies
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, VA 22211
(703) 607-8559
The Visitor Center:
The Visitor Center is located just inside the Cemetery gates, on Memorial Drive and just across the Memorial Bridge from Washington, D.C., and contains a small gift shop and historical displays about the cemetery. Free maps are available and information about the location of specific gravesites is also available from the staff.
Cemetery Administrative Offices:
The administrative offices are located just to the rear of the Visitor Center.
Restrooms & Drinking Fountains:
Public facilities are available at the Visitor Center, the Custis-Lee Mansion (just above the John F. Kennedy gravesite) and at the Memorial Amphitheater.

Michael Robert Patterson was born in Arlington and is the son of a former officer of the US Army. So it was no wonder that sooner or later his interests drew him to American history and especially to American military history. Many of his articles can be found on renowned portals like the New York Times, Washingtonpost or Wikipedia.
Reviewed by: Michael Howard